Chapter Twenty Nine: My Son!

Start from the beginning

"Is that a promise?" I say before I can stop myself. Why did I just do that! Damn! He just irritates me so much!

Molly looks at me with wide eyes like I am insane. "Luke," says Lenny in a concerned way.

He looks down at me in bewilderment. "What did you just say?"

"I'm sorry," I already go to say but he drags me to my feet pulling me from Molly pulling me towards the exit of the basement.

"Luke!" Molly screams in anger and sorrow and fear. Its all there on her face.

"You shut your mouth or you will be next!" he shouts loudly as the door is opened for him and he pulls me out into the corridor.

I don't struggle against him. "I'm sorry please I didn't mean to," I go to say but he completely ignores me.

He drags me all the way up to what seems to be a really big size office. He chucks me down into a chair facing I guess his desk.

"What you going to do with me?" I ask him.

He snaps his attention to me after looking out his window. "You will call me Majesty at all times," he says firmly.

I nod my head, "Yes Majesty," I whisper.

"What was that!"

"I said yes Majesty," I say loudly.

"That's better. I want respect at all times. You are mine now. What little life you did have is far from over and you can't do anything to stop what is going to happen to you," he tells me.

I slightly clench my fists but keep quiet.


"Oh its not just you Luke. I mean Molly as well and a few other teenagers and a couple children. I rather you all be gone but I have to play it smart. I've never even told no one of my true intentions before," he sneers looking at me.

"Why you telling me then?"

"Well I need to tell someone and who more better then Kevin Hills adopted son. Oh that man...I knew him before I came here do you know that Luke? Me and your so called dad were close. So close its unreal to believe I hate him so much now. He probably hates me too. He probably already believes you to be dead. Oh poor sweet Kevin. It makes me sick," the Majesty says looking annoyed.

"You knew Kevin before you came here?"

"Yes that is what I said Luke. So you had no idea?"

I shake my head, "Not a clue," I whisper.

"Well of course you didn't. Probably many things you don't know about your so called new daddy. Yet its not really important now. Its all over with him isn't it. Least until he comes out the shadows...then you will die. So maybe you should wish to never see him again."

"I hardly know him but he took me in," I whisper.

"Oh how sweet. If I was you Luke I forget about him because all that is going to happen is his fault. Its always been his fault. Oh that man...stupid silly naive human. I hate him!"

"Why do you hate him so much?" I ask.

He stormed forward grabbing my hair and slamming me against his desk my head now against it my head beginning to spin.

"Enough questions!" he shouts.

"I'm sorry I was just asking," I try plea with him.

He sighs annoyed, "Oh you are so pathetic," he sighs letting me go and he starts to pace ignoring me as I slowly pull myself from the desk and slid back into the chair my head spinning.

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