chapter 24 ~ Got you

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*3rd person pov*

Aria played with her fingers as she walked from her dorm to the common room as nerves rolled off her body.

Her and Draco came to a decision. Aria will tell her friends she is seeing someone in secret but not tell them who.

Today was the day. The day Aria would tell her friends, and she was unbelievably nervous.

"Hey guys" she said nervously as she walked up to them.

Everyone could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong?" Leah asked.

"I need to tell you guys something." She took a deep breath. The all looked at her confused. "I'm seeing someone" she whispered.

"What?!" They all shouted shocked.

"Shhh" Aria Shhh ' ed them not wanting to draw attention.

They all gaped at her. "Who?!" Leah whisper shouted.

"I can't say" they all looked with raised eyebrows

"What do you mean you can't say?" Ellie whispered with a high pitch.

"If people were to find out they won't approve and if his family finds out he would be in so so much trouble" Aria tried to explain.

The others looked hesitant. "Aria .." Ross started. He had confusion write all over his face.

"So it's a romeo and julet situation?" Molly asked.

Aria couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Sorta? I guess" she shrugged. "Please don't tell anyone" she pleaded.

"Aria. Of course we won't" Sam said with a soft smile.

"We trust you" Ross reassured Aria.

*Draco's pov *

"Come on boys" Professer Umbridge shouted at us as she handed me a ravinclaw girl.

"Where to?" Flinch asked.

"We have just found where those dim witted children are" she said storming off.

I smirked. Finally I get to catch Potter in the act.

Once Umbridge broke down the wall I walked into the picture holding the ravinclaw girl. And the look on Potters face was priceless. I couldn't let go of my victorious smirk.


It was the evening of which I cought that Potter and I was of to see my Aria.

My Aria. My Aria. It sounds so great to me. I thought.

I walked up the stairs to the astronomy town, where we always meet. And there she was, pacing around the room?

"Aria?" I asked

"You cought Dumbledore's army?" She turned to me and asked shocked.

"Yes, yes we did" I said proudly.

"You hurt them" she said sadly. The smirk fell from my face.

I scratch the back of my neck "well not really"

Aria stepped towards me. "Why?"

"Because they deserve it" uh oh, that was the wrong answer.

"What?" She said raising her voice.

"Aria listen" I started.

"No Draco" Aria cut me off as she turned around and walked towards the edge.

"Aria they broke the roles, it had to done" said walking up to her.

"I know" she whispered looking down.

I put an arm over her shoulder and she turned into me raping her arms around my middle. We hugged for ages.

Merlins beard, I'm going so soft. I thought to myself. But to be honest in that moment I didn't really care.

"I still hate what you did" she mumbled into my chest.

"I know"


I was walking back into the common room and I noticed a figure in the sofa.

"Hello Draco" a whiney voice spoke. I knew that voice. And I wish I didn't.

"Parkinson" I said as I stood up straight and folded my arms.

"Where have you been?" She stood up from the sofa and stood into the moon lit light.

"It's none of your business" i said carmly, even though I was so unhappy with this situation.

"You're up to something aren't you?" She asked taking a step towards me.

"It's none of your business" I said this time gritting my teeth.

"Well then..." Parkinson took a couple more steps towards me and stood right in front of me.

Her lips went from a straight line into a smirk. "I herd you cought Potter today" she placed a figure on my chess "well done you" her figure started moving done my chest.

I grabbed her wrist and gripped it in my hand. I was now very angry and breathing heavily. "Don't. You dare. Touch me again." I whispered dangerously and pushed her away.

I was still mad when I got into bed. How dare Parkinson do that! Trying to seduce me?! I would never get with her now. I would never do that to Aria.

~ AN ~

Hey humans. Happy new year. Hope 2017 brings you lots of great things xxx

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