chapter 17 ~ Falling

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*Aria's pov*

Ugh. I'm in Defence against the dark arts, and it is probably one of the pointless lessons we have now. Umbitch is a pain in the a**, but guess what? I have to deal with it.

All we do is sit there reading a book. I mean come on. Aren't we not meant to learn 'defence' in 'defence against the dark arts'. Ugh.

My mind wondered of to Draco he's ignored me since the night we met in the astronomy tower. To be honest I was expecting him to do so. From what I have worked out about Draco, ignoring people for a while after opening up to them, Is what I expected. I couldn't help but feel a little hurt that he was ignoring me.

The find out about Draco, the more I start to like him. He was the mysterious boy, was no long that mysterious to me.

When class was finally over, me and the guys decide to go for a walk down by the lake. We sat under a big oak tree.

We started to mess around and make jokes.

"That is too funny" I said wiping a tear from my eye.

"Hey guys" popped Fred and George out if no where.

"Hey" we all replyed.

They smiled "can we borrow Aria for a sec?" They asked.

"Sure" the others said in unison. I glared at them at how easy they let me go. The laughed at my glare.

We walked away from the group. "So we want you help in a prank" George said in a happy tone.

"I don't know guys" I whined rolling my head back.

"We will buy you blueberry's from Hogsmeade" Fred offered.

My head perked up. "Hmm..." I tapped my chin, pretending to think. "I still don't kn" I didn't get to finish what I was saying because the twins butted in.

"And pizza" aww these boys know what say.

I squealed and yelled "Let's. Prank. It. Up." And then skipped away. And the boys chuckled.

Let's just say the 20 minutes later we where laughing so hard that we had to go take a nap after we stopped.

Wow. I love all my friends.

At breakfast the next morning, I swear someone was watching me. I could feel eyes in me.

As me and the group (if you were standing at the teachers table) sat at the front on the far left table, I had to walk along way to the door. I felt uncomfortable with the eyes on me decided to leave, telling my friends I needed the toilet.

As I was about to descend the stairs, I had rapped around my wrist and spun me around, a few cursed words slipped out of my mouth out of shock.

"Hi" I a sighed in relief after seeing who it was. His perusing bluely gray eyes just stared back at me. He still had hold of my wrist.

"What do-"

I was cut of by "you havn't told anyone have you?" His voice came out frantic.

I gave him a small smile. "No, Draco. I haven't." I could look into his eyes all day. They are so mesmerising.

He nodded his head, then let go of me. My body was a tiny bit disappointed. "Thanks" he mumbled shyly.

I gave him a reassuring smile. "So..." I said slowly, "I'm gunna go" I said before turning on my heels towards the common room.

*Draco's pov*

I watch as she carried on down the stairs. I believe her when she said she hadn't told her friends about me. A part of me was just a little on edge about it. I had to cheek.

For the past week she has never left my mind. Merlin. I was falling for her. For this sweet, innocent happy girl.

I took my time walking back to the common room. When I got back everyone was already back. I made my way to my dorm and through myself on my bed.

I can't fall any more for her. It wouldn't work out. I kept telling myself.

My mind drifted to when I first took notice of her. In third yeah, when we partnered together in charms. That lesson we didn't speak, I remember think that she just plan useless hufflepuff. But the more we interacted, the more I saw of who she really was.

I'm ment to be Malfoy. And Malfoy's shouldn't fall for girls like her.

I let out a groan in to my pillow. I need a distraction. A distraction from her.

I walked down to the common. I found what I needed to distract me and walked over to her.

"Hey Issey" I said in a suductive tone. Issey was a girl in my house, in the year above.

"Hey Draco" she flirted, eyeing me up and down.

I grabbed her hand and pulled up to my dorm. And well got busy with my distraction.

Sorry this chapter was a bit short. Planing on doing a big chapter next

Thank you for reading xxx

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