chapter 13 ~ I'm crazy

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*Aria's pov*

"I'm gonna be a mighty king
So enemies beware
Well, I've never seen a king of beast
With quit so little hair" I sang along as a watch a great movie (the lion king) with my friends and ate popcorn.

"Do you know all the words?" Ross asked me.

"Most of them" I laughed.

"Your so weird"

"But that's why you love me" I said putting the back of my hand uder my chin and smiling.

Ross just rolled his eyes.


"Oh by the way" Joe turned to me "Did Seamus or Taby ever ask you out?" He asked. I nodded.

"WHAT?!" Leah shouted. "And you didn't tell me because....."

"I said no"

"To who?" Ellie screamed. Now all 3 of the girls were practically on my lap.

"Both" I said as if it was the most stupid question.

"What? Why?" Molly sighed.

"Because i don't want to go at with either of them" I laughed.

The girls moved to where they were sitting before.

I just giggled for no reason. "Plus Toby has really bad breath and the pick up like he said was just, just.., just awful, he is so full of himself. And then Seamus dosnt even know my second name"

"Ohh" they all said in understandment. And the lads chucked.

"And it was probably a joke or a dare" I muttered uder my breath so no one herd it.

"changing the subject.." Sam said slowly. "Did you guys believe Harry and Dumbledore about what happened?"He looked at all of us.

"Yeah" we all mumbled.

"I saw it on his face. And anyway who lie about something like this?" I said honestly.

"I wonder what's going to happen?" Leah whispered We all nodded.

Me: "I'm going to miss Cedric"

Ellie: "A lot of people are"

Joe: "he was a good guy"


I was in dads car saying goodbye.

"Ok, be good, work hard, write to me or text me, have a good time, don't do anything stupid please, be safe, Love you" then my dad kissed my forehead.

"And you" I said to him "don't eat junk food every night, I left some recipes on the fridge and buy frit"

"I will I promise" he hugged me.
I started to open the door.

"And get out the house more. Ok? Go on walks and stuff"

"Ok" I started to get out the door and then turned back around.

"You going to be ok? You know how get contact to me. Oh and good luck with work. And don't forget to go to the doctors appointments put them on the notes board so you won't forget. Make sure you drive safe...." then my dad cut me off.

"Ok ok, I got it. Now go before you miss the train" he pushed me out the door.

I quickly kissed him on the check and got at the door and half shouted "Bye, love you" before closing the door and getting my stuff out the boot.

I was about to walk away when I remembered something. I opened the back door to see Candy asleep. I gapped her and shouted "bye" to dad.

He said "Bye sweety" before I shut the door and walked to the train.

Unexpected - (Hufflepuff X Slytherin) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora