chapter 3 ~ Don't care

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*Draco's pov*

Guess what happened to me? I almost got killed by a stupid hippogriff. Thanks to that old oaf, care of magical creaters is a pathetic class anyway. Some people are saying that I just have scratch on my arm. How dare they? My father told me that he has managed to get the thing (hippogriff) sentence to death.

Pansy Parkinson and some other slytherin girls keep coming up to see how I am, if I'm doing ok and telling me how brave I am. Not going to lie, I love the attention. I have had some weird looks in the halls by other houses but I don't care.

"How's your arm?" Goyle asked as we where walking through the halls.

"It's alright? Well ....." I was stopped when I felt my self bump into someone small. I look down to see a small griffindor 1st year.

"Watch where you going" I spat in his face. He gave me a glare and slowly walked away. "Mudblood" I muttered.

I walked into charms and Jones was already sat there looking out the window. I walked over and dropped my bag on the fool and sat down next to her. She didn't even flinch. Weirdo.

Once every one was sat down Professor Flitwick started the lesson.

The lesson is going by quite quickly. I'm not really listening anyway.

I looked over to my left at Jones she was playing with her quill in her fingers. "Hey, Jones" I whispered to get her attention. She turns and faced me and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Do you know what happened to me?" She suddenly looked a bit annoyed and raised her eyebrows. I looked at her in the same way, not knowing if that ment yes or no.

"Yeah" she whispered annoyed, it kinda sounded sarcastic.

"It was that big oaf's fault. Anyway you should feel sorry for me, I got seriously hurt, it was a near death experience" I whispered angerly. I was expecting that she will be asking if I am all right but no.

She rolled her eyes and turned away. I glared at the side of her head and turned around myself. Who is she to juge? "Have you seen what it's done to my arm?" I looked at her again. She didn't react.

*Aria's pov*

Draco has started talking about his 'near death' experience, yeah right (note sarcasm). To be honest I really don't care. From what I've heard it was his fault, which saunds right. He was cocky and got himself 'hurt'. He only has a scratch on his arm and his making out like it's deeper than his arm. He was told the animal was dangerous jet he still walked up to it. And now he's got Buckbeak sentence to death. Brat.

"Have you seen what it's done to my arm?" He asked angerly. Oh my god I don't care, I do not care. I don't what to say anything out loud because I really don't want to argue with him and I honestly don't have the guts.

When I didn't answer again, I could feel his eyes glaring at the side of head.

"Well my farther got it sentence to death" I know and I officially hate him and you. I can feel my jaw clench. I mean come on it was his fault in the Firth place. He is so argent.


Lessons are over for the day and I'm sat with the squad in the common room. I feel like I need to rant about something, some wizards may think that hufflepuff are always like there serotype but believe me we do get angry and annoyed.

"You alright there Aria?" Molly asked.

"Yeah. It's just Draco Malfoy"

"Oh yeah. He is such a annoying little thing in he?" Joe said annoyed. They all know what happened. Rumers and events fly around Hogworts like the 'The Road Runner'.

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