chapter 10 ~ "thank you"

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*Aria's pov*

So we now have to have potions with slytherins, because class' have mixed up because, of the Triwizard tournament.

Christmas was amazing a as always but because of the Yale ball to gave this Christmas a little bit more special.

Anyway I sat by Leah. Snape stood at the front of the class. I don't know how he got this job. He's creepy, not good with young people, crap teacher and has bigger issues than the wizarding world.

"I will be putting you in to pairs" OMG why dose he speak so slow.

He read out the list. And guess what? I was with Draco. Again. And Leah was with Blaise. Again. Just our luck. It's not that bad. I think me and Draco are on good terms. At least I'm not with Crabbe or Goyle.

I haven't spoken to Draco since we had our in conversation at the Yale ball.

I got up and sat down next him giving him a quiet "hi" he nodded once and we both looked at Snape as he explained what potion we will be making to day.

When he finshed. I saw Leah go up to get the ingredients. "I will go get the ingredients" I said turning to Draco and getting up to the ingredients.

"Hey" I whispered to Leah.

"Hi" she whispered back. "Oh my goss I swear Blaise was flirting with me!" She said shocked.

"He kinda flirts with every pretty girl" it was true he did, and Leah was unbelievably gorgeous. She rolled her eyes at my comment.

I started humming. "What youu humming?" Leah asked as we picked up the last of our ingredients.

"'The 1975 - Girls, been in my head all day"

We both sang in a whispers as we walked off "Cus there just girls breaking hearts Eyes bright, uptight, just girls" we both walked apart giggling.

I got to the table and Draco was watching me and he had the equipment in front of him. I gave him a small smile as I put the ingredients down on the table. He just moved his head to look at his potions book.

As I started to read the instructions on the potion. It will tack us too lessons. I mentally slap my forehead. And start on the potion.


Not gunna lie, I think me and Draco are doing pretty well on this.

Draco went to put the potion in a cupboard with the others at the end.

As Snape talked about our next lesson, I whispered "thank you" to Draco.

He looked at me confused "for being ok with me today" I whispered not turning to face him. I felt the heat of my blush creep up onto my face. Why do I have to blush every time I talk to a boy? I thanked him because he hasn't said anything mean to me yet.

The Bell rang and I chucked my stuff in my backpack I put it on one shoulder, as I walked to Leah and we both walked out together.


Well that was intense. A lake this time. A freaking LAKE. After panicking so much (because Harry was the longist in the lake) I needed a nap. When I got back to the common room everyone was celebrating over Cedric. I went over to him.

"Hey Cedric" he turned to face me "congratulations" I gave him a one handed hug because he had a drink in his hand.

"Thanks, I saw you supporting me" he said nocking my arm.

"Well I'm very proud of you" I smiled at me. "I wouldn't even made it 5 seconds in the first task. I would have saw the dragon, panicked, ran and then fall over and pocked my self in the eye with my wond. And in the second I would have just froze putting my toe in the water." I ranted.

"Fair enough" he laughed. "You partying with us?"

"No. I need my sleep"

"Really! I almost could of got killed by a mermaid and I'm not tired."

"I don't remember Arial killing people" I said with a sarcastic shocked face.

"Who's Arial?"

"Have you never heard of or watch the Little Mermaid?" I said unbelievaed.

"No" he said slow and confused.



"WHAT?" I shouted "No Disney?" He just shook his head casually.

"You ether no. 1 you where born like 50 years ago no. 2 you have no life or no. 3 you need to get out more often"

"Is it a muggle thing?" He asked


"That's why then" he nodded. I stuck my tough out and giggled. I gave him a quick hug.

"Have fun" I shouted as I walked off to me bed.

Me and Cedric don't really talk much but if we happen to see each over we would have a conversation. It's mainly because his older than me that we don't speak much. It's the same with his mates and me, we only talk every now again. It's funny how Ross acts around them. That lad.

I got to my room and put on my 'Paul Frank' gray pjama bottoms and a baggy gray jumper on since its winter and we are in the UK.

I saw same thing bright on my pj bottoms it was some white confetti. It was my birthday in November and they decided to walk me up with party popers and confetti. Since then I've been finding it everywhere. Great ideas guys (sarcasm).

*Draco's pov *

Jones went up to get the ingredients, I think it was because she saw Hale go up. So I went to get the equipment.

"Hey mate" Blaise greeted me as I grabbed a cauldron. I smiled and nodded at him. I got the last of equipment and we both went back to out seat's.

I saw Jones and Hale talking, they turned around and when they split up they giggled at each other.

I still don't know if I should call her Aria or Jones. I almost call everyone by there second name. So I think I will carry on calling her Jones.

That girls different. I didn't know how, but she is.

I didn't realise I was looking at her until she gave me a small smile. I just turned to look at my book.

This potion will tack to lessons. Oh no.
Ok so I admit that me and Jones are doing a pretty good.

Well Snape started talking about next time Jones whispered "thank you" to me. Okay? Why is she thanking me? As if she was reading my mind, she answered my question. "For being ok with me today" I still looked at her confused. A blush slowly made its way on her face. Why is she blushing?

I could feel the cold breeze going through my body. I was on my way to the kitchen. I could sleep. I've been thinking about things, like my farther, Potter, girls and the Triwizard tournament. It's just one of those nights where you can't stop thinking.

I thought I should go to the kitchen to get a glass of water or some coffee. It's was 1 in morning so there shouldn't be anyone around.

When I walked into the kitchen (I know how to get because my farther told me) I filled up a glass of water. I leaned agents the work top and let my eyes travel around the room. When my eyes got to the window, there was a figure sat on windowsill. It was a girl looking out the window, she had her hands raped around a mug and her arm where around her knees wich her head was resting on looking out the window.

What was she doing up this late? I tried not to make a sound, but her head snapped around. I knew who it was when my eyes caught hers. Merlin they were gorgeous. But why her eyes? Why Aria Jones's eyes?

"Hey" she whispered giving me a small smile. I ignore it. She gets up and walks past me to the a sink next to me. She rinsed her mug. I don't know why (elves for that). But I don't understand why we talk. She is a nice Kind hufflepuff and I'm me, the slytherin prince.

She gave me a small smile again and nodded her head once. She gace a one way wave then she walked out.

I don't understand why she's nice to me I know we have had a trust conversation, but I've been mean to her for what? 3, 4 years and she acts like that never happened. I really don't get that girl.

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