Ch. 16 - Make It Right

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A couple of seconds later, she texted back and we engaged in a short conversation:

Alicia: Yeah, that’s what I’m asking. Do you think you can make it?

Justin: I guess so. But make it quick, I got plans with Alfredo for a guys night here.

Alicia: Don’t worry, I won’t take long :)

Justin: Then expect me there in 10.

Alicia: Will do ;)

The next thing I knew, I was in my car, a large hoodie above my head to hide my face as I drove down the streets of Los Angeles to the address Alicia texted me. The butterflies in my stomach was back, and I didn’t know how I would react emotionally to see her again. The last time we talked since our break up, I was still willing to fight for our relationship but she always, always lets me walk away. She never fights for me, which confuses me because I know she still loves me. She has to. She has to have some kind of feelings stored in her heart for me. I know she does.

Upon arriving at the hotel, my mind went in a daze from the elevator ride from the lobby to the 7th floor. My feet walked mindlessly and I found her hotel room rather easily. Raising a fist, I knocked at the door and waited for some kind of reply. Seconds later, the door flung open and Alicia was standing on the other side, her face welcoming me kindly. She looked so beautiful. Her outfit was adorned with my favorite color and her eyes shone brighter than the night sky. I could feel my heart swelling up from all the love I held for this girl. I knew my feelings weren’t gone, and no matter how much I tried to bury them, it never changed the fact that I still love her.

“Hey,” she smiled brightly at me, and I just couldn’t help but smile back.

“Hi,” I waved, as she stepped to the side to let me in. Once I was inside, she shut the door and gave me a quick hug.

“You have no idea how grateful I am that you agreed to come see me,” she beamed, happiness radiating off her body.

“You said you’d be quick,” I changed the subject. Slipping both hands into the pocket of my jeans, I awkwardly rocked from side to side on the heels of my Supras.

“Right,” she clapped her hands together, the atmosphere in the room suddenly becoming tense. “Umm, I… I heard Heartbreaker… It was amazing.”

I blushed, recognizing that tone to indicate that she knew the song was written about her.

“Did you know it went #1 on the charts in less than 24 hours?” she commented. “I’m proud of you.”

For some unknown reason, those last four words struck a warmness in my heart. It lifted my spirits and opened up joy inside of me I haven’t felt in so long.

“T-Thank you,” I said shyly, meaning to add, that means a lot, but the words couldn’t come out from my mouth.

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