The Day I Met Damon Salvatore

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"Today's the day I will finally have him," I whispered to myself. I couldn't believe I was finally here, after all these years of anticipation. I drove up to the large mansion in awe. It was even more spectacular than I had seen in pictures. The façade reminded me of cottage, but its sprawling structure continued to the right and left by at least an acre each. Its red brick walls seemed to blend into the background of the turning fall leaves. I continued up the driveway, around the circular path that led me directly in front of the entrance. I parked and stood there for a moment, taking in all that I had seen. I needed a minute to compose myself. I knew they could sense my every emotion, so I had to stay calm, cool and collected. I took a few deep breaths until my nerves and excitement fell away like the drifting leaves that scattered the ground.
            I walked steadily up the walkway until I reached the door. With one more deep breathe, I knocked. I stood quietly, trying to hear footsteps, but all I heard were chirping birds and the rush of the wind. I knew they could hear me with their acute hearing, unless no one was home. Just as I was turning to walk away, the door creaked open. I turned to face the very person I was hoping to see. Just as the house had stunned me, despite my long hours of studying its picture, I was taken back by him. His bright blue eyes shined against his jet-black hair like stars against the night sky. I could feel myself getting wet at the mere sight of him. Get yourself together! I couldn't give myself up to my desires in the very first minute of being around him. He stood smiling in the doorway, patiently waiting for me to catch my breath. Thankfully his large ego kept him from suspecting me as being anything other than an innocent person.
            "Hello, is this the Salvatore Boarding House? I was hoping you had an open room for a few days." Of course I already knew that the house had stopped renting to boarders decades ago, but I had thought this would be the perfect excuse to meet him.
            "Well, this is the Salvatore Boarding House, but its been out of business for years," he explained. "There's a nice little bed and breakfast just outside of town."
            "Are you serious?! Ugh, I'm so stupid. I should have called before I came. I just saw how beautiful this place was from the Internet and heard that there was a lot of the town's history in this place. I knew it was too good to be true!" I rehearsed this part of the conversation many times before I came so I could make sure that I sounded genuinely confused and self-loathing. "I'm an architect and heard that this place had one of the best preserved beam work left in existence." I looked down at my feet and fiddled with my bracelet. "I'm sorry for wasting your time, thank you for your help." I slowly turned around and walked away, hoping he would stop me.
            "Hey, you don't have to leave you know. Normally I wouldn't be so generous, but I have some free time and I guess I could show you around the place if you want?" I turned quickly, bright blue eyes meeting gray eyes, and blushed. His gaze was so intense that it was hard to look at for too long, like the sun. I could just imagine what it would be like to get him in bed, staring at me with those eyes while he rammed his cock in and out of my pussy. No, not yet. Focus!
            "Really?! That would be great!" So far, so good. But this was no time to let my guard down. I had to keep playing the part that I had practiced for so long. I was not going to let myself ruin my chances of fucking him. I continued to play with my bracelet to look insecure.
            "Your bracelet is beautiful by the way. What gem is that?" I shrugged and explained that it was an old heirloom from my grandmother. "I just realized I haven't introduced myself yet, that is so rude of me. My name is Damon," he purred. I introduced myself and he opened the door wider and stretched his arm into the house, inviting me inside. "Alright, well come on in." I walked into the massive living room and couldn't believe that it still looked the way Isobel had explained it to me. She was right; the Salvatores were suckers for nostalgia. A fire burned that left the room with a flickering glow. The flames reflected off the freshly polished wood floor. "This place was built in 1914 in the style of the Tudor homes in England. But, you're an architect, so I'm sure your familiar with that style." I smile and nodded as I pretending to be in awe of the house, so I wouldn't have to answer any architecture questions.
After he was done telling the history of the items in the living room, I gestured to the next room over and questions, "And what about this room?" He led me all through the house, revealing the rich history of the boarding house. I nodded and smiled and laughed where appropriate, the whole time contemplating my next move. I didn't prepare for much past the initial meeting. How can I tell him who I really am without him ripping my head off? And even if he was okay with my true identity, would he still let me ride him over and over until we are too tired to do it again? I felt my nipples harden at the sheer thought of him entering me. Maybe the best thing to do would be to come back another day and further our friendship before I disclosed my true self and jump his bones. By the time we made a full circle of the downstairs part of the boarding house, the setting sun was almost gone. I walked towards the door, preparing to leave.
"Well thank you Damon, for being so generous; I really appreciate you showing me around. I should get going though, if I am going to find this bed and breakfast before it gets dark." I turned to leave and he grabbed my shoulder.
"I hate to think that someone as pretty as you might get lost out there. It's not safe at this time of night. There are plenty of extra rooms in the house if you would like to stay the night." I stood flustered for a moment. His compliment and offer shocked me. This was not what I practiced for. It was never supposed to happen this fast. I wasn't prepared to be sleeping under the same roof as him the first time we met. How was I going to control myself enough to not sneak into his room during the night and fuck his brains out? I could feel my façade slipping. Stay strong! Remember what you've waited so long for! I took a deep breath and steadied myself. If I denied his offer, who knows when I would get another chance to have sex with Damon? And this saves a lot of time where my cover could be blown because I know nothing about architecture. I would have to stay the night.
"That's very thoughtful of you. If you don't mind the added company I would gladly stay the night." I went out to the car to grab my duffel and came back inside. He led me up to my room, which was just as grand as the rest of the house, and showed me where the bathroom was. I opened my bag and started rummaging through clothes. I knew what I had to do; today was the day after all. I found my sexy lingerie and put it on. It was the kind of black lacy get-up that would turn a man on without making it look like your trying too hard. I clipped my curls behind my head, letting a ringlet or two fall forward to boarder my face. I looked in the mirror, pushed my boobs up and was satisfied. This has to work. Tonight is the night that I will finally have Damon Salvatore.
I waited patiently, listening for my cue. As soon as I heard the water running in the bathroom, I strolled in. Pretending to be surprised that he was in there, I exclaimed, "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry; I didn't know you were in here. I'll just come back later."
"No, don't worry about it. There is enough room in here for two people, it's a boarding house remember?" Damon tried to hide his satisfaction as he secretly checked me out, but the smirk forming on his face gave it away. He was standing there shirtless in long black pants. His abs were so well defined and sculpted that it took every once of my strength not to lick them right then and there. Relax, that opportunity will come soon enough.
"Alright, as long as you don't mind," I said innocently. He brushed his teeth as I let down my hair and combed through it. He was trying so hard to conceal his glances as he watched me brush my hair. Knowing his eyes were on me made me feel so sexy. I could feel my pussy drip onto my thong. I snuck a peek at him and noticed a growing bulge in his pants. I just wanted to walk over there and grab his dick. Why is it so hard to control myself around him? But I knew why. I had dreamed of having sex with this man ever since Isobel told me about him. And soon that dream would be a reality. When I finished brushing my hair, I turned to him and murmured, "Good night, Damon."
I left the door open so he could watch my hips sway as I sauntered off to my room. After I turned off the lights and I got in bed, I wondered if I had done enough to capture his attention. Should I have done more? Should I have made it more obvious that I wanted him? No! Being obvious might cause suspicion, even though his ego would have probably taken care of that. I had to let him make the first move. Not long after the bathroom light shut off, I heard footsteps coming towards my room. The door inched open and a sliver of light flooded in. This was it.
"Hello Damon," I purred.
"I didn't wake you, did I?" he whispered.
"No, I've been waiting for you." He strolled over to the side of my bed, and sat down. He pushed my curls behind my ear and lifted my chin so our eyes would meet. His bright blue eyes were now stormy with desire. He leaned forward and our lips touched. His sultry, plump lips were as soft as I imagined. I could feel myself loosing all composure. My façade was slipping, and I was in no shape to fight it. I wanted him, and I wanted him now. I pinned him to the bed and let my fangs advance from my gums. As I held him down, he smiled up at me.
"Listen sweetie, I am 175 years old. You can't come into my house with a lapis lazuli stone on your bracelet, pretending to be some poor architect looking for a place to stay. I played along because I could see how much you wanted me, despite how hard you tried to hide it. So how did you hear of me?"
"I'm Isobel's friend. She turned me not long after you turned her. Before she killed herself she told me how great you were in bed and I knew I had to find out for myself."
"Well, you've come to the right place," Damon assured. He flipped me back over so I was underneath him. Once in between my parted legs, he began to grind on me. I could feel his package grow as he rubbed it against my clit, which naturally made me even wetter. His kisses become more feverish as his tongue shoved against my teeth, demanding entrance into my mouth. I willingly obliged, letting his tongue explore the entirety of my mouth. Our tongues intertwined and he moved his hands through my hair and to my chin. He kissed my neck and I could feel the sharp brush of his fangs.
"Bite me," I moaned.
"Not just yet, sweetheart." He went back to kissing my neck, and then moved in a trail towards my breasts. He first kissed my collarbone and then down my chest to my cleavage. He ripped my bra right off and kissed all around my breasts, avoiding my nipples. I whimpered wanting him to touch my aching nipples. Once he decided that I was teased enough, he took a each nipple between his fingers and squeezed. I cried out in pleasure and reached for his cock. He grabbed my hand and pinned it above my head.
If I couldn't touch him, then at least I could grind on him. I began to rotate my hips so that my pussy was rubbing against his growing package. He licked and sucked my nipples and I could feel my excitement building. He began to kiss down my stomach and to my lacy thong. After he licked and kissed my inner thighs to tease me, he ripped off my panties.
"I love that you're so wet for me," he lulled as he admired the droplets around my vagina. First, he licked the outer lips getting ever closer to my clit. Then he opened up my lips and caressed the tender, pink skin underneath my most sensitive spot. I could feel my climax building with each touch and kiss. Finally, he began to go down on me. I threw my head back and moaned as his tongue circled my clit. When he began to suck on my clit, I knew I was getting close.
"Damon, I'm going to cum," I cried.
"Go ahead baby," he cooed. He suddenly put a finger inside of me, which sent me spiraling into my climax as I yelled his name. Breathlessly, I looked up to see him standing at the foot of the bed with his pants off. My eyes widened as I saw how huge his cock was. He noticed my reaction and smirked. I crawled over to him and sat right in front of him.
The bed was the perfect height where I could put his dick right in my mouth. I grabbed his shaft and began to lick the head. I circled the head a few times and licked the crease. Without warning, I plunged his whole dick into my mouth. His breathe hitched and he grabbed the back of my head. As I bobbed forward and back, I massaged his balls. He threw his head back and relished the feeling of my warm mouth on his cock. His moans were getting louder and louder and I could see that he was loosing his composure. Unexpectedly, he grabbed shoulders and threw me back on the bed.
"I have to have you, now!" He climbed on top of me and got in between my parted legs. I reveled in the feeling of his dick circling and rubbing my vagina. Suddenly, he slammed his huge cock inside of me. I cried out in pain and pleasure as his penis filled me. He thrust slowly at first as we both delighted in the feeling. Then his thrusts picked up speed and the sensation was overwhelming.
He leaned onto the bed overtop of me with his hands on either side, exposing his neck. I let my fangs reveal themselves and took a small nip at his neck. When he moaned out in pleasure I got the green light to bite him. I sunk my teeth into his neck and drank a little bit of blood. Nothing is as good as human blood, but it was surprisingly tasty. I retracted my fangs from his neck and let them disappear into my gums.
I looked up to see our eyes meeting once again. He kissed me deeply and I got lost in our kiss for a moment. Without warning, Damon leaned back and flipped me around so I was sitting on top. I bounced up and down on his hard dick, relishing the feeling of his whole cock filling me. I felt so sexy knowing that I was the one giving him so much pleasure. He reached forward putting his hands on my hips to guide me. Then his one hand slid down to my clit and began to rub it. I could feel myself building at his very touch. He noticed my response and stopped immediately.
"No sweetie. This time you aren't cumming without me," he said devilishly. With lightening speed he lifted me up put my back on the wall. He slid in and out of me as he held me. His steady arms grasped my ass and thigh while I held onto the back of his neck. This position accessed my G spot so well and I could feel my climax building again. I could also feel him begin to shake and loose his composure.
"I'm going to cum," Damon yelled. With a few more thrusts we both fell apart and spiraled in and out of our climaxes. We collapsed down the wall, lying on top of each other on the floor. Taking a few moments to catch our breath, I couldn't believe that I had just fucked Damon Salvatore. "So what did you think?" he questioned.
"It was everything I imagined it would be and more," I said with a wink.
"Well then you wouldn't be opposed to doing it again?"
"I would do it again in a heart beat, if my heart still beat," I laughed.
"Good because next time, we're doing this my way!" He threw me back on the bed and before I knew it, my wrists and ankles were handcuffed to the bedposts. "If you have the balls to come into my house and pretend to be an innocent human, you'll have to balls to take whatever I give you," he roared. "In fact, you should be punished for your lies." The thought of punishment from Damon turned me on. "And don't try to break the handcuffs or the bed, they are indestructible." He got up and started walking away. Just before he closed the door he leaned in and said, "I'll be back... sometime. Good night sweetheart."
The anticipation was killing me and I could already feel my pussy getting wet again. I guess I'll just have to fantasize about it until he returns. I laid my head on the pillow and relaxed, I couldn't believe that today was the day that I finally had him.

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