Giddy In The Guild

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I walked into the guild like any other day, everything seemed normal but little did I know that this day was the start of something terrible. I sat down at the Thunder God Tribe usual table and noticed that nobody else was there. In face nobody was in the guild at all.'I'm not that early, everyone should be here by now.' I thought.

As the time ticked by I grew more and more impatient. I understand Bickslow being late, I mean it's Bickslow. But Evergreen and Laxus are usually on time.

After half an hour of complete loneliness, I stood up and trudged out the door. I spent the rest of the day writing fan fiction about me and a certain somebody from the guild.


As I walked closer to the guild, I heard sounds of people talking and fighting. I sighed in relief as I walked through the door and everyone was there. I made my way to the table. "Where the hell were you all yesterday? I spent the whole day alone, and nobody told me what was going on!"

Bickslow and Evergreen looked at me with pity. "You wanna tell him Ever?" Bickslow asked.

"Fine, Bickslow." Evergreen scowled at Bickslow before turnung to me.

"Freed your not going to like this bu-" My attention turned to the doors. As soon as I saw who came through the door, my heart shattered.

"Mira a-and Laxus? " I fainted.



















"Yo Freed! Are you okay? Come on get up."

"Get up! Get up!" The first thing I heard when I woke up was Bickslow and his babies. I sat up and had a terrible headache.

"What.... what happened?" I asked looking at Ever and Bickslow.

"Freed you fainted, but before I tell you why. You have to promise me that you won't faint again."

I nodded and Ever continued. "Well...Mira and Laxus are d-dating. Yesterday Mira asked Laxus out and then she invited the whole guild to a party after Laxus said yes."

I felt my world collapse around me, and I turned my head to see Mirajane and Laxus holding hands at the bar. He didn't even come over when I fainted to see If I was alright!

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. NO! Don't cry. Compose yourself dammit! I took a deep breath and showed no emotion on my face.

"Why are we still here? Let us go pick a job." I stood up, dusted myself off, and walked over to the request board.

"Uhh, Freed. Are you sure you don't want to take a break for the day?" I tightened my hand into a fist, but kept my face straight.

"Don't be silly. We spent all yesterday dilly-dallying, so there is no sense in taking today off too." I was lying. Really I wanted to go run into Laxus's arms and tell him how much I loved him and how he shouldn't be with Mira but me.

Stop being so selfish! I took my own advice and swiped a request off of the board. As I walked over to Mira I felt my anger rise. Though I didn't show anything on my face, I was ready to explode.

"Mira I need you to check this off." Usually I would say please, but she was my love rival, so please was out of the question. "Oh, sure Freed." Laxus was standing next to her, he looked at me and notice the glare I was giving him. "Hey, are you okay Freed?"

I sighed and walked away from the "happy couple" but I could swear that Mira was smirking at me as I left. As I was leaving I heard something that really pissed me off.

"Oh Laxy-waxy, please don't leave me for a mission. Stay here pretty please!" I looked at them.

"Uh yeah sure babe!"

I couldn't stand the mix of emotions that were about to burst out of me, and decided it was best to take a break from the guild. I ran to the doors and left.

As I left, I thought that I heard Mirajane laughing. That bitch!

Thank you guys for reading my first chapter, be sure to vote!

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