I began walking towards the kitchen where I had left it, "It's in the kitchen, why do you need it?"

"She asked me to get it for her since I'm going to visit her tomorrow" Brian replied, as he found the Journal and examined it.

"Y-You're going to visit her?" I choked. I knew Morgan and Brian had been talking a lot recently, and I had read something in Morgan's journal about how Brian had feelings for her which honestly I expected. I also read about how she had feelings for him but I didn't think anything of it because I trusted Morgan. Hearing what Brian just said though made my heart drop.

"Yeah, it's kind of out of the blue but I want to see her..." Brian said carefully.

"We're supposed to be writing next week though" I argued back, slighltly perturbed.

Brian chuckled slightly, "You guys can write without me, besides I need a break I've been writing for the past month, I'll only be gone for a few days"

I just nodded in acknowledgement. That's not even why I was mad that he was going. I could care less if her wasn't here to write lyrics with us... I just didn't want anything to happen between him and Morgan. I wanted Morgan.

"So, did you read her journal?" Brian asked as he held it tightly closed.

"Yeah, she has some good stuff in there" I smirked.

"She told me not to read it..." Brian sighed as he reluctantly opened up the journal. I grabbed it out of his hands and closed it.

"If she said don't read it then don't" I snapped. Whether or not Morgan still liked me, I respected her and her decisions and Brian will too.

"But you-" Brian began.

"I read it, I know, but I am her boyfriend and sooner or later when things are better between us I'll tell her I read it... besides I already knew everything that she talked about in it" I explained. It was the truth.

"Okay fine" Brian huffed.

"So you're really going to see her?" I reluctantly asked.

"Yeah, my plane leaves tomorrow morning" Brian said awkwardly. The conversation was awkward for both of us.

"I wish there was some way I could get up the courage to talk to her" I admitted.

"She talks about you a lot" Brian looked up at me sympathetically.

"Sh-she does?" My eyes widened, "Then why doesn't she talk to me? or call me?"

"Maybe you have to call her, it is yo-" Brian began to say as he sat down at the kitchen table.

"Don't remind me, I know it's my fault." I sighed. I know I should call Morgan first or talk to her first. I just didn't know how to. I fucked up badly. I didn't even know where to begin.

"You know, you don't have to call her…" Brian told me.

"What do you mean by that?" I snapped back.

"I mean, maybe you could just-" Brian began to reply.

"Move on? Is that what you we going to say? You want me to move on so you can have Morgan all to yourself don't you" I growled at Brian as I got up and paced through the kitchen.

"That's not what I meant" Brian argued, he was now standing as well.

"Then what the hell did you mean?" I snarled.

"I meant, maybe you don't have to call her. That's not your only option. You could write her a letter or something" Brian explained, "and Matt, i'm your best friend I wouldn't just go and date your ex-girlfriend. Yes, I have feelings for her. Who wouldn't? But I know you still love her, and I want you guys to work things out…"

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