chapter 37

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hey guys I'm in the car with my sister on my phone, we just came back from watching Disney on ice... don't judge you can never be to old for Disney. But its been a while since I posted so I'm writing a quick chapter.



"I'm bored." Megan groaned.

"okay, and what am I going to do about it." I said.

"You've been an ass since Rose left." she groaned.

"Sorry I'm just worried, I haven't had much sleep." I scratched the back of my neck.

"She is perfectly fine Austin, call her in the morning okay, I'm about to go to bed." she yawned.

"Night dad." she hugged me goodnight.

Tapping my fingers next to my phone, I tried to resist the urge to call.

"Just go ahead and call her already" Drake laughed, causing me to jump.

"I forgot you were in here" I laughed.

"I was asleep until Megan slammed her door." he groaned.

"go upstairs and go to bed."


"Oh and Austin, thanks for letting me stay here" He smiled.

"No problem."

He went upstairs and I waited until I heard the door softly close.

I quickly grabbed the phone and dialed her number and waited listening to the rings.

"hello" I heard my little angel yawned.

"Hi sweetheart, how's Sheffield? " I smiled.

"It's great, especially at 6:30 in the morning." she giggled.

"sorry about that, I got worried." I chuckled.

"Don't worry dad, Oliver is about to take out Oskar" she yawned.

"I miss you princess." I smiled.

"I miss you too dad." she laughed.

"oh dad, shay called me yesterday."

"oh really?" I said shocked that she brought that up.

"you need to talk to him, its been a while." she mumbled.

I heard a shriek coming from the other side and it grew silent.

"hello, you okay." I said sounding a bit worried.

"Sorry dad, Oliver scared me." she laughed.

"I just walk in love, I didn't mean to scare ya" I heard a voice in the background.

"well Hun, I'm about to go to sleep." I yawned.

"Night dad. "she yawned.

"I love you princess." I smiled.
"I love you too!" I heard Oliver scream in the background.

"Not you! I'm talking to Rose." I laughed.

"Love you too dad, go to sleep you sound tired." she said.

"bye" I yawned while hanging up the phone. Slowly getting up, I walked into my bedroom and collapsed on my bed falling asleep to the silence around me.



"Come on Love, lets get going!" I heard my impatient boyfriend scream up the stairs.

Adopted by Austin Carlile?! (oliver sykes fanfiction?)Where stories live. Discover now