chapter 16 (3-3) First Date

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It was only 3:00 when we got to the bus. Austin and I had a pile of movies on the table in front of us. 

''so where do you wanna start, Tim Burton, Disney, or some random horror movies that suck?" Austin asked 

''I want to watch a Tim Burton movie but also Disney?" 

''Frankenwenie it is."He clapped his hands picking the movie up and putting in in our PlayStation 3. 

''Why do we have almost every game console known to man."Austin said. 

''stop over reacting we only have a XBox 360, A PlayStation 2&3.'' I laughed 


''because I love my game's."I said sticking my tongue out. 

He got back to the couch and wrapped a blanket around both of us and out popcorn on the table infront of us. 

''Thank you for hanging out with me today dad." I said.

''No problem. I miss hanging out with you and Megan all the time."he chuckled  

we continued to watch movies in between it all we had a mini popcorn fight. 

''Hey look at the time its 6:00 Olivers set starts in ten minutes you better hurry before you're late." he said looking at his phone. 

''okay how's my make-up? " 

''you need to fix your eyeliner raccoon eyes." 

''Okay.''I said hugging him and running to the bathroom. 

I fixed my eyeliner and brushed my teeth again because of the pop corn kernels and ran out to their stage. 

''you made it!"Lee said running towards me. 

''yeah"I said  

''we are about to play. Oli said there's going to be a surprise" 

''Okay. Awesome.''I said hugging him and sitting down near the stage while Oliver talks to Matt about some kind of debate over something weird.  

''Hey rose."Oliver said kissing my cheek. 

''hey"I said reaching out for a hug.He hugged me and sat me back down. 

''Sorry I love your hugs..."I said. I heard kids chanting his name waiting for him to come out. 

He chuckled and kissed me again before running off to the stage. 

"Hello Toronto!"he screamed the crowd screamed in return 

"Are you guys enjoying Warped Tour this year!"he screamed again. making tthe crowd go crazy. 

"well that's great our first song is going to be Shadow Moses
"he said 

When the got to their last song Oliver stoped. 

"Okay this last song is for a certain person that means a lot to me..."he said. 

Matt walked up to me and pulled me to the stage and a stage hand put a chair for me to sit on.I heard a lot of cheers and some boo's here and there. 

"If you don't know who this is, well her father is Austin Carlile and also the love of my life..."he paused I felt a blush grow on my face. 

"Rose I never had the chance to tell you this so I'm gonna tell you here and now... Ive Known you for 3 years and been your best friend ever since, until this year I felt like every time I'm with you nothing matters in this world to me but you... The day I saw you I knew there was something special between us and the day when I figured it out, I was in love with you. so now I'm going to ask you something."he said I felt tears weld up in my eyes. 

Adopted by Austin Carlile?! (oliver sykes fanfiction?)Where stories live. Discover now