chapter 36

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I woke up feeling warm arms wrapped around my waist.

"dont leave..." Oliver mumbled. I turned to face him and baried myself in his chest.

"Who said I was?"I smirked.

"Morning Love."He mumbled.

"How'd you sleep last night."he smiled.

"I don't know it was dull."I said holding a staight face. His smile fell.

"by the sound of you last night I beg a differ." he sat up.

"Babe I'm joking, I loved it."I laughed crawling up to his lap and pushing him to fall back on the bed putting my hand on his face.

"You fucking tease."he smirked.

He got up and put in a pair of boxers and I got my underwear on and his shirt.

"Oskar!"I heard Oliver scream and the door opening. Oskar jumped off the bed and ran down stairs to go outside.

I slowly made my way down the stairs also being greeted by the smell of fresh coffee.

"Extra cream?"Oliver asked.

"Yes, thank you"I smiled as he handed me a warm mug.

We both walked outside as Oskar played in the grass and chased butterflies.

"Remember our first concert together, it was just me and you and I fly in from the states "I smiled taking a sip of my coffee.

" You couldn't stay still while I got ready."he chuckled.

"And we held hands the whole time even driving to the venue." I smiled.

"And then you got hit in the face with a umbrella."He laughed.

"But I met Winston Mcall."I smirked.

"I took you back to the car and cleaned you up, and when I was done I leaned in for a kiss."He smiled.

"But I had to push you away since we both were dating other people and I was 16."I frowned.

"But now I can kiss you whenever I want now."he came over to me holding me by the hips and kissed my forehead.

Oskar barked and I let him in while finishing my coffee, and I went up stairs to brush  my hair and teeth. Then I got some rubbing alcohol and a small cotton ball to clean my plugs.
Every since I was fifteen I never went past a double zero. Why? Because Tony told be when you stop wearing them you get sick of seeing a oddly shaped gap on you earlobes.

I grabbed my favorite hoodie (Its the black bring me the horizon one it so soft on the inside!) and slid on some sweat pants.

I finally pulled my hair into a messy bun and walked down the stairs again.

"So what are we going to do today."I smiled.

"Nothing, just relax and watch movies."He smiled.

"perfect."I laughed.

He put on Edward scissor hands for me and I curled into the couch with him eating popcorn.

We both fell alseep until I woke up from the sound of a door closing.

"Oli! Where the hell are ya!" Matt screamed.

"Matt he fell alseep."I yawned pointing at Oliver who was laying on me.

"Oh sorry dove, I just thought you two would enjoy a night out "He said.

"Let me guess,  a club." I smirked.

"Nothings wrong with a little fun dove."he smiled.

"Its up to him."I said slightly shifting to get up without waking him.

"Its for Jordan, him and his soon to be wifey are having bachelor and bachelorett partys and you two are invited."Matt clapped his hands.

"I will have to find a dress that isn't ruined from tour than Nichols" I smilled.

"It's been a  while since I've seen Emma, Jordan skyped her all the time I can finally meet her in person" I smiled.

"Babe who's here."Oliver yawned

"Matt, how was your sleep love."I sat back down as he wrapped his arms around me and barried his face in my back.

"Great until you left."He yawned.

"I told her about the bachelor and bachelorett partys that you two are going in 4 days."He said leaning against the wall.

"Sure sounds fun"Oliver said.

"I need a new dress though babe."I said.

"we can stop be my shop later if you want to."Oliver said.

this is not what it is only baby scars
I need your love like a boy needs his mothers side!

"Dove, I think that's your phone."Matt said laughing.

"Throw it over here its either Austin or Shayley"I said.

"why would you?"Oliver looked confused.

"shay put it as his and i don't know why I did for Austin."I laughed.

Matt found my phone and said it was shay and threw it at me.

"Hey, your on speaker shay!"I laughed.

"Hey its been a while, I heard about you.and Oliver."I could tell he was smiling.

"Yes its true."Oliver said.

"Hey Oli, I didn't know you were in California. "shay laughed.

"No I'm back home."He said.

"Wait rose, your in Sheffield?"Shayley said.

"Yes I am."

"And Austin let you!" he sounded shocked.

"Why is that shocking?"I laughed.

"I didn't expect Austin would let you be alone with him in a house."Shay said.

"aye what's that supposed to mean"Oliver spoke up.

"nothing man, look I need to go I have to get ready for a date."he said.

"Okay shay, have fun and tell me later."I laughed.

"bye rosey."

"bye shay."I laughed and hung up.


I'm going to end this chapter here, sorry about the wait :c omfg Halloween was fun i don't care if I'm to old I still dressed up! It was kind of wierd how I was harley quinn and I had no joker though :c but I saw alex gaskarths costume on instagram and he was joker! sorry if Im acting random thats just how I am...

anyway yesterday in spanish we had to write about how we feel about death and It was kind of ironic and sad for me yesterday since Mitch... yeah you guys get the point.

But I love you guys, I can't explain how happy I am to be writting again, I missed talking to you guys!

Adopted by Austin Carlile?! (oliver sykes fanfiction?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora