Chapter 4

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ok guys i have been majorly distracted lately so i have been my spending to much time on writing so yeah.... 

BTW 3 year time skip 


3 years later



"Happy 18th Birthday now wake the Fuck up!" Austin Burst in my room throwing a pillow at me

"Austin what the hell!"i screamed

Turning my head to my alarm, I noticed it was 8:00 in the morning.

"Here" he said giving me a small box

I looked at the box it had silver wrapping paper and a Black ribbon on it.

I opened the box and saw a lanyard 'V.I.P OM&M Family' written on sharpie,i looked at him with my eyes wide.

"Wait you are taking us to Warped!?" he shook his head.

"Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! we can tour with you guys instead of having to be watched over for 3 months"I hugged him He wrapped his arms around he while my foot is cramping up because im on my tippy toes.

"Get packing we leave in 4 days then." he chuckled

"Thanks dad"

"you're welcome"he chuckled

he left the room so I could change out of my tank top and sweats. I Brushed my teeth and took a shower.

today I decided to wear a dress since today is special.

It was a strapless with the top part black and the skirt of it white. To go with it I wore black stocking and black flats. I flat straighten my long brown hair and did my makeup as liquid eyeliner wings and with mascara and pink lip gloss.

I walked downstairs and see Megan wearing the pass jumping everywhere and Austin eating cereal watching her.

"so I see Megan is excited?"

"yeah she kinda was like this before I woke you up, I think I broke her."He said still eating his cereal.

"Megan did you take your meds?" i asked 

 Megan has ADHD and she can't really focus. PLUS she's naturally hyper all the time, which explains why she is always moving.

I turned on the tv and cartoon network was on. 

I looked at Austin

"Adventure Time was on last night"he said

"awh makes sense"I nodded

"OhMyGawdTomAndJerryIshOn!" Megan squealed  

God shes a Five year old in a 18 year old body  

I went in the kitchen and Austin ran and picked her up and placed her on the chair. 

I handed him her medication and gave her the plastic cup of water.

my phone buzzed in my pocket

'happy birthday from the guys


i smiled at my phone i haven't seen them in a while because of the take it or leave it tour.

'Thanks guys' I  replied back

I grabbed my laptop and logged on facebook.

15 notifications

I scrolled down noticed a lot of Happy birthdays post on my wall and my messages but one of them stood out, it was from Oliver.

'check your closet ;D'

'why?! its too far'

'its a surprise now shut up and walk to your closet!'

'only because i love you >•<'

I laughed and walked off my bed 

slowly turning the knob, I  opened the door and turned the lights.

Walking in was probably the stupidest thing I could have done because a hand covered my mouth and hugged me.  

I turn around and my eyes widen

"Oliver how did you get in my closet!" i screamed

"I flew in last night and spend the night here." he chuckled

I hugged him and kissed his cheek

"I'm glad you came to California to see me."I said while still hugging him

"You know I wouldn't miss your 18th birthday Rosey." he winked.

"Well I see you found a monster in your closet Rosey."Austin was leaning at my doorway. 

"Can I keep him?"

"Sure." Austin smirked.

"I shall name you....Olisaurus Rex!" i said acting like a kid.

"Don't ever call me that again." he said

"Olisaurus!" I screamed while running downstairs before he could grab me.


sorry it was short i have school crap to do!

Adopted by Austin Carlile?! (oliver sykes fanfiction?)Where stories live. Discover now