Chapter Twenty One

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Okay, I take back what I said about my flight back to the Tree House.

This was the fastest I've ever flown.

The trees wizzed by me in a blur until there was nothing but early morning sky around me and the ocean underneith. I used my superb vision to look for Apollos apartment, which, to my relief, wasn't too busy with people.

Having to hide in several big trees and disappear into the shadows in between buildings, I did my best to avoid people. I feel naked doing this in the daylight, I thought as I made my way stealthily to Apollos house. When I entered Apollos building, (undetected by humans might I add,) I shoved the bottle into the front of my dress to conceal it and I knocked on his door.

"It's unlocked," I heard a voice call through the door.

Apollos voice.

My heart pounded as thought about what I was going to say to him. Oh, goodness. What was I going to say?!

I sucked in my breath as I opened the door. I was surprised to see both Natalie and Apollo sitting on his bed.

"Oh... Hello Natalie.. I didn't expect to see you here."

"Oh... I'm sorry... Did you have private plans with Apollo?" She asked, her normal bubbly self seemed tainted with trauma.

"No, I just dropped by to say hi." I said. My heart sunk a little. I really didn't want to wait..

"Well.. Honestly.. I was hoping you would drop by..." She shifted uncomfortably, "I- I have a gift for you..." She pulled her purse up off of the floor and rumaged through it. After a few seconds she pulled out a small white box with a silver swirly pattern on it, wrapped in a matching silver bow. "Here." She extended it towards me.

I was so touched. I've never been given a gift before, although I've secretly always wanted one. I know humans get them on their birthdays and special holidays, but Bella doesn't  believe in gifts. All I could do was stare at the beautiful box that she held in her hands.

"Well, go on; take it." She gestured at the beautiful box. Holding back tears, I slowly took it from her. Honestly, I'm not sure why I was so overjoyed; maybe it was just the circumstance. With shaking fingers, I slowly and carefully untied the bow and lifted the lid up off the box. What was inside the box was even more gorgeous than the box itself. There were a pair of silver wings attached to a long, thin, silver chain. I gently pulled them from the cotton it was resting on and I dropped the box in awe.

"It's a necklace... I just wanted to get you something, given you saved my life and all." She smiled weakly. "Here- let me help you put it on." She hopped up and put it around my neck. The wings hung just above my clevage. I couldn't hold it back anymore- the tear that had been wanting to escape slid down my cheek.

"T-thank you." My voice cracked.

"Sweatie, has no one ever given you a gift before?" She asked.

"N-no. It's not a thing we do." I answered.

She smiled softly and looked at her watch. "Oh shit, I'm late for an appointment." She picked up her purse. "I have to go." She gave both Apollo and I a hug goodbye and then left.

And it was at that moment that I realized I couldn't give Apollo that potion. He needed Natalie, and Natalie needed him. They were family, and I couldn't dare break them apart; just like no one could break apart Bella and I.

Apollos sad blue eyes broke my train of thought. "Why did you leave me this morning?" He asked softly.

"I- I.. I'm so sorry... I had important business to take care of..." My eyes widened in horror. I didn't mean to hurt or offend him...

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