Chapter Six

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When I awoke, I got up and looked around in my closet for something to wear. My wardrobe consists mostly of gowns and dresses. Not by choice, it's just what's available. I have dresses that are short and strapless, some that are short and show off my form, some are long with long sleeves, some that are very modest, some not so modest.. you get the idea. The closest thing I have to pants and a shirt are skirts and tops that go together. I settle on one of my knock around dresses. The top half is a low-cut, thick strapped plain black tank top that stops at my belly button. The lower half picks back up at my belly button and it is a plain light blue, soft flowy fabric that stops a little above my knee all the way around. The back of it is cut extra low so my wings can stick out, like the majority of my dresses. If there isn't a hole cut for my wings, there are two slits to stick them through, but it's a pain in the butt. I also have some dresses that have arm holes on the stomach where my extra set of arms come out. I have lots of shoes as well, but I like going barefoot.

After I got dressed I fluttered downstairs to the kitchen for some breakfast. Bella, Chandler and I normally eat together. We sat around the table as some of the Nools prepared breakfast for us. A Nool looks like a human except they are normally about 3 feet tall, a little chubby, with dark green hair and light green skin. They dress in rags, even though we have offered them clothes. They live in packs in large castles and for some reason, like to serve whoever lives there. They don't speak much english, they kind of grumble and speak gibberish. I can understand them, being omnilingual, but Bella and Chandler have no idea.

They were making breakfast for us, preparing Chandlers usual salad, (he's a vegan,) Bella a half loaf of bread and jam, and for me, porridge with some pieces of human flesh on it. It may sound disgusting, but I can't live without blood and meat. I kid you not, I will die of starvation. I need it like a human needs water.

"How many times do Chandler and I have to tell you, no flying in the castle!" Bella said without looking from buttering a slice of bread. The Nool looked at Bella and asked her a question in his strange language.

"What did he say, Bionca?" Bella asked me.

"He asked whether you wanted the strawberry or raspberry jam." I said in a flat tone.

"Oh. STR-AW-BER-RY!" Bella said to the Nool. The Nool grumbled and rolled his eyes and handed her the strawberry jam.

"How did you sleep?" Chandler asked me. I finished chewing my food and I swallowed the bite.

"Fine." I said, still troubled by the events of last night.

"Is something wrong?" Bella asked, looking up from her food for once. I pushed some more porridge in my mouth. "Bionca, take lady sized bites please." She said while putting jam on the last slice of the loaf of bread.

"Nofings wong." I said with my mouth half full.

"GOD BIONCA! Swallow before you talk!" Bella said disgusted. I swallowed.

"Sorry.. nothings wrong..." I said.

"Excuse me ladies, but I just thought I would let you know. Bionca, Bella and I have a meeting to attend to in about an hour, so we will not be here until later tonight. This is one of the meetings that is just for the leaders only, so you will not need to attend for translation purposes. We expect you to get to bed on time and to behave while we are gone." Chandler said as a Nool collected his empty salad bowl.

"Okay." I said as I ate my last bite of food. Almost immediately, a Nool took my dishes and I excused myself and left. I went upstairs to my room and I began to walk on the wall like it was the floor, trailing small flowers in the moss as I go. Soon I was walking on the ceiling. I walked where the plants were starting to die, fixing them with one touch. I went around the room, healing everything that was dying.

When I finished, quite satisfied with my room, I layed down on the ceiling, staring at my reflection in the pond below me. Crap. I should go to the Tree House. It's about that time, I thought as I fluttered down. I went to look into the mirror by my closet. I stared at my blue eye, then at my green. At my long curly dark brown hair, and at my pointed ears.

Sometimes I think I look rather strange, having been made from so many different things. I mean, I guess it could be worse, I don't really know. I don't really think about it too much, but when I do, I start to wonder. Like, my train of thought goes on the exact same path, every time. I start to think that I've never had someone to tell me that I look beautiful, or even ugly for that matter. I continue to think that I don't actually know if I look ugly or beautiful, or what features I have that make me that way. Then I start to think about if I'm ever gonna find someone to say that I am beautiful, and more importantly, make me feel that I am beautiful. Then I just laugh at the idea and think that I am never gonna find my love. Not that I can't, just that I don't want to. Only this time instead of just ending there, my train of thought continued. I wonder if the human thinks I'm beautiful. Shocked at my own thought, I turned away from the mirror to head to the Tree House.

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