Chapter Nineteen

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The drive seemed to last forever as we transitioned from the city into the country. Apollo decided to join me in the backseat while Natalie drove. I took a quick look out of the car window to watch the sunset. Flying was definitely better.

Apollo was the most nervous I've ever seen him. He was tapping his feet, wringing his hands, and he was taking deep breaths. I grabbed his hand. "It's okay, I'm nervous too." I whispered. He stopped tapping his feet and his gorgeous blue eyes met mine.

"We're here." Natalie exclaimed as she drove up to a large, black gate. She rolled down the window.

"State your name." A voice called from a box on the side of the gate.

"It's me, dipshit. I'm the only person you know that drives a silver Escalade." Natalie replied.

"Okay. jeez, sorry. Come on in." We waited for the gate to slowly open before driving up the long driveway. It didn't take long to find a spot to park.

"Come on!" Natalie said excitedly as she climbed out of the car. Apollo and I apprehensively followed Natalie as she headed up to the front door of the massive house. Immediately, the door was answered by a large man with tan skin, brown eyes, and thick, curly, brown hair.

"Hey beautiful." He said smoothly as he took her in his arms and kissed her swiftly.

"Oh, stop," Natalie gushed, "Lucas, this is my brother, Apollo, and his girlfriend, Bionca."

"Nice to meet you." He shook Apollos hand and nodded at me. "Make yourselves at home; beers in the fridge and some snacks are on a table out back." He ushered us inside and shut the door behind him. My heart raced. All around me were people talking, dancing, and drinking beer. The lighting was very poor and music was playing a little too loudly.

"Would you like a beer?" Apollo asked me, breaking my train of thought.

"Uh.. sure.." I replied.

"I'll be back then, wait here." He said before he disappeared into the crowd. I turned around to find Natalie and Lucas but they were gone. Crap, I'm all alone. I thought to myself.

"Hey there gorgeous."

I turned around and found myself staring face to face with a man that had olive skin, green eyes, and shaggy blonde hair.

"You got a name?" He smiled to reveal two rows of perfectly white, shiny teeth.

"Bionca, and I'm not interested."

"Come on now, being stuck up is gonna leave you lonely for the night." He moved closer. I backed up into the couch. "Are you single?" Our chests were touching.


"No, she's taken," Apollo came up to us, "So back the hell up." he warned.

The blonde guy looked me up and down slowly. "Don't tell me a goddess like yourself," He stepped away, "Has agreed to be this piece of shits girlfriend."

"Just leave us alone, Ryan." Apollo said through gritted teeth.

"Or what." Ryan stepped toward him and looked him right in the eye. Apollo didn't break eye contact, but he didn't respond either.

"That's what I thought," Ryan started, "You're still a little bitch. Just like you were in high school when you were challenged."


"Shut up," He poked Apollo straight in the chest. "Only men get to speak, you're just a little bitch." He poked him in the chest again. "You're. Just. A. Little. Pothead. Stoner. Lame ass. Bitch." With every word he poked him, and with every poke I winced.

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