5- Scrap Poetry, I'm the Best at Moping

Start from the beginning

Faith was at a loss for words and looked at love with a slight tinge of curiousity before storming off. Her blonde ponytail swung as she angrily walked into the building and I didn't see her until form time. I wanted to follow her but I couldn't catch up with her because she always had places in the school where she could be on her own. That's the only thing she'd told me in maths a week ago; I have my private places that pretty much no one knows about.

I sauntered over to Room 7 in English to find Eliza typing away at one of the computers.

"Good morning," she turned to greet me. "You alright?"

"Fine, thanks. Athersmith is making everything a soap opera outside. I swear I could see someone eating popcorn while their eyes were literally glued to Love Bonneville!" I reply, setting my stuff down.

"No way," Eliza looked out of the window to see the crowd around Love. "Did he cheat on her again?"

"It was mostly like he'd cheated on Faith Raynott with her but Love was still the one that was crying her eyes out," I said. "I don't blame her, these boys are the most unloyal of the unloyal."

"That sucks. Check the email, I think there was a problem addressed to you,"


Someone had finally sent in a problem for my advice column and I set to transferring it to my newspaper page. Eliza had given me the position the day after I went home and it was the best news I had received that week.

Dear Anonymous Adviser,

I've had a dream to audition for the talent show happening after half term with a song that I've been practising for the past few months but I'm terrified of the feedback and I'm scared I'll humiliate myself but I still don't want all my hard work to go to the wind. What should I do?


Dear Anonymous,

I say go for it! You can't let opportunities slip through your fingers, you've got to stop dreaming and make things happen when you are given the chance. Sure, it may be scary but would you rather regret not having a go? Just do it and don't overthink it. You don't have much to lose.

Good luck,

Anonymous Adviser

I added a few images and worked on the layout but there was a minute until the bell would ring and Eliza was already gone. I was still getting to know the newspaper team but I knew I could rely on them. Eliza was kind, welcoming but firm and a good leader. Christopher, the sports reporter, was confident and helpful and the rest of the team was supportive. I got along with pretty much everyone and I had had lunch with them the day that Eliza gave me the position.

Controversy was brewing in my form and I could see people sitting on different sides of the room. Faith was sat on the right side of the room while Love was on the left. I looked for a Neutral Party but it wasn't there. I took a seat at the back of Faith's side and got out my equipment.

I steered clear from talking to anyone in my form because I was still processing a lot of the stuff that had happened last week. Sally talked to me about her sleepover on Saturday in Science, I had to talk to Fred (and Filip) and I had to do partner work but other than that, it was either Amy, Jessica and the School Newspaper.

I sat next to Faith in double maths but I kept quiet. I knew she didn't want to talk so I didn't push it and instead marked her maths homework. Everyone was glancing at her and whispering but luckily Shawn wasn't in our maths group. That would've made things much worse.

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