#21 - ...Of Our Love and All It's Glory

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Paul walked over to where John was chatting up with Cynthia.

"I'm going to get going, George already left. You okay 'ere?" Paul asked.

"This is Cynthia, she's from Hoylake." John said with a slight slur.

"Hello Cynthia." Paul said, without giving her a chance to respond, Paul then turned toward John. "Have you spoken to your fiancé?" he said loud enough for Cynthia to hear.

John just starred silently back towards Paul, fully aware of what he was doing.

"You know, the pregnant one." He added.

Cynthia turned white, "I think I better be going." she said as she stood to walk away.

"What the fuck are you doing Paul?" John said as he grabbed the collar of Paul's leather jacket.

"Saving your ass is what." Paul said as he grabbed John's hand, yanking it off his jacket.

John stared back at him.

"Don't you think you've done enough John?" Paul said. "Priscilla's a good girl. Don't fuck this up." He said, hurt in is eyes.

It was then that John began to fall apart, Paul saw something he had ever seen in John's eyes before. Tears.

"John, hey." Paul said as his face softened; he then brought John in for a hug.

"Paulie." John sobbed. "I'm so fucking scared." He said, all his words jumbled together.

"Hey, its okay to be scared." Paul said as he made John sit down.

"I don't know what the fuck I'm doing. Priscilla, she looks at me as if I know all the answers. She needs me Paul. She needs me." John said as he tried to dry his eyes. "Christ I'm so stupid. She's a child. How could I do this to her. I love her Paul; she doesn't deserve this."

"John it's a baby, not a fucking curse." Paul said with a slight scoff.

"I don't want to end up like my mum, running away from shit she couldn't handle." John said, sadness all over his face.

"Then stop yourself now." Paul said, searching John's eyes. "Go home to 'er. She needs you John. I'll tell ya what, she doesn't need. This." He said pointing between them two, "You pissed at three in the afternoon at some pub, crying your eyes out to your best mate."

"Ay Paulie." John said as he got up, the two of them walked arm in arm out of the pub.

"C'mon. I'll drop you off." Paul said as he helped John into his car.

Upon dropping John off, Paul quickly left. He wasn't about to stay around to witness the fight that may erupt between John and Priscilla.

As John entered his flat, he was met with Priscilla's angry eyes.

"John Lennon, where were you?" Priscilla said walking up to him, she could smell the alcohol on him right away. "My god, you're drunk!"

John stumbled over to her, as he wrapped his arm's around her, he squeezed her ass. "I love your ass; you know tha'?" he slurred.

She tried to push him away from her, "John, we were supposed to get food." She tried to explain.

John began to kiss her neck as he roughly cupped her tits, he took a deep breath as he took in her scent. "God you're gorgeous." He then backed up to look at her, "You're too good for me Mummy." He said with a smile.

Priscilla smiled, "I guess we are getting take out tonight." She said with a laugh. "C'mon Romeo, lets get you in bed."

"Daddy likes where this is going." He smiled as he stumbled down the hall, arm in arm with Priscilla.

Dark Blue - Part 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora