#19 - ...And Make It a Night of Love

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Taking Priscilla's hand, John helped her up. He then led her onto the couch as she gripped her stomach the entire way. "John, I've ruined everything haven't I?" she said as tears began to form in her eyes.

John touched her face tenderly, "I reckon we are both are equally to blame for this." He joked.

She began to sob uncontrollably, burying her face in his shoulder, "I've ruined Christmas. This morning was supposed to be special." She said as she spoke into his neck, "I was supposed to wake up in your arms as your new fiancé. Instead I'm your knocked up girlfriend."

John then pulled her away from him. "Hey, this morning is special Priscilla and you still are me fiancé." He said as he looked deep into her eyes. "A beautiful one might I add."

"John, I'm scared. I don't know how to be a mother." She said ignoring his compliments as she broke his stare. She then began to fidget with her shiny new engagement ring. "I didn't even get to enjoy our engagement." She said with a frown.

John couldn't admit it at that moment, but he was just as afraid. He was trying his best to be strong for Priscilla, but he knew the timing for a baby was wrong. Though he had never thought of parenthood before, the idea seemed less daunting with Priscilla by his side. He knew she had no expectations in regards to him being a father.

"I think you will make a wonderful Mum. As for our engagement, we can tell Mimi all about it today. We can stop by and see your parent's after if you'd like." He said as he kissed her nose. "Let me call the doctor and see if he will make a visit." He said as he smiled.

Priscilla then went into John's bedroom to change quickly while John got on the phone.

Reluctantly, the doctor was available. Being it was Christmas, he was not excited to have to leave his family for such an emergency.

After a quick breakfast of soft boiled eggs, toast and tea; Dr. Claudio arrived around half 10 in the morning. He had brought with him a black medical bag, equipped with all his tools.

Priscilla sat on the couch, John next to her. He had been nearly chain smoking non stop since he called Dr. Claudio.

"John explained to me that he thinks you have morning sickness, Priscilla." The doctor said as he felt the glands within Priscilla's throat.

"Yes. It started about a week ago. I'm only sick when I wake up, for only the first hour or so." Priscilla explained as he listened to her heart beat through his stethoscope.

He then checked her throat using a tongue depressor.

"Well, if you are pregnant; we can only find out by submitting a urine sample to the lab." Dr. Claudio said as he produced a small closed container from his bag.

Priscilla took the container silently and headed for the bathroom, bowing her head in shame.

"How soon will we know doc?" John said as he leaned forward.

"The results should be back within 5 days." The doctor responded, "In the mean time, I suggest Priscilla stay off her feet. No reaching over her head or standing for long periods of time. Pregnant women are very frail, John. You must watch after her at all times."

John just stared blankly at Dr. Claudio, "What if she isn't pregnant?"

Dr. Claudio then placed a hand on John's shoulder, "I doubt that, son."

Priscilla then emerged from the bathroom. Embarrassingly, she handed over the small jar containing her urine to Dr. Claudio. After sealing the specimen in his bag, he was then quickly on his way.

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