#11 - ...And Slip Inside My Heart

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The following morning, John awoke early enough to clean up the mess in bathroom.

Feeling guilty for the way he treated Priscilla the day prior, he knew he would definatly make it up to her today.

After tiding up the bathroom, he decided to make Priscilla a full tradition English breakfast. He thought it would be nice to serve it to her in bed. John quickly got to work. He prepared the eggs, fried toast, mushrooms, tomatoes and rashers. He completed the meal with two cups of tea, each served with milk and sugar. Softly, he began to prod into the bedroom carrying the hot food on a tray.

Resting the tray on his side of the bed, he began to walk around the bed to where Priscilla was still fast asleep.

"Wake up kitten, Daddy has a surprise for you." He said softly.

She began to stir; opening her eyes she met Johns stare. A smile spread across her face. "Johnny." She sighed softly. After a few flutters of her lashes, she took a deep breath, "It smells good in here." She then began to sit up. Noticing the tray of food, she giggled slightly, "My goodness, that is a lot of food!"

"Well, I wanted to give you a taste of England." He said smugly.

"I think I've already had a taste." She said in a low playful tone.

"Don't be cheeky, Cilla. Come now, lets eat brekkie in bed." John climbed into bed next to Priscilla and the two began to eagerly eat their food.

After about 10 minutes, the food was all gone. "Seriously, all these days have gone by and you never once mentioned you could cook like that." Priscilla teased John, "Thanks Johnny. I loved it." She said as she kissed him lightly on his thin lips.

"That's not all love, I have another surprise for you." He said as he reached into the pocket of his pyjama top. He then pulled out four 10 shilling notes. "Here, this should be enough to buy a nice outfit for tonight. I reckon you have enough to buy a new bottle of perfume too while you're at it."

Truth is, it was more than enough. Priscilla never held so much money in her life. Quickly, Priscilla felt a pang of regret. After John told her he loved her, she hadn't quite said it in return. Mostly because at the time she was still mentally getting over the events of that evening. Similarly, it was because she wasn't sure if she meant it.

John's emotions seemed volatile and very unstable. She wasn't sure she could commit to someone such as him for that reason alone. As much as she felt she was falling in love with John, she didn't know if she was actually there, yet.

"John, I don't know what to say." She said, speechless.

He then placed the money into her hand, "What are you waiting for? Go on! Get to the shops before its gets busy."

With a kiss, she sauntered out of the room to take a shower.


Because Priscilla wasn't very familiar with the area, she called Hera to meet her at the bus station. It was not far down the road from John's flat. The two of them met while waiting for the next bus.

"Do you think it will be busy today? It is Saturday." Stated Hera.

"I sure hope not. I have to find a dress by tonight." Priscilla then pulled the shillings from her coat pocket.

"Good heavens! Where did you get all that money?" Hera said with astonishment.

"My boyfriend gave it to me. He said to buy something nice to wear for our date." Priscilla gushed.

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