#14 - ...The Bruise Upon My Lip

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Ann Beaulieu stood in front of the door to the women's room. She had been trying to open the door for the last 5 minutes. Looking around for someone who worked at the theater, she saw no one. It had already been late; Mr. Beaulieu decided to take his wife to the movies in effort to get both their minds off Priscilla.

After hearing some questionable noises, Ann became appalled. She came to the realization that two horny teenagers must have been having sex in the ladies' room. Waiting for the two heathens to appear from the room, she was ready to reprimand them. Who would have raised such children as these? she thought with distain as she heard the bathroom door unlock.

"Mother!" gasped Priscilla.

"Priscilla Ann!!" Ann shouted back. Immediately, she slapped Priscilla across the cheek. "You disgust me!" Ann's eyes then focused to the older man behind Priscilla, "You should be ashamed of yourself." She said with a pointe finger towards John.

"Ma'am that wasn't really necessary like, was it?" John said as he rubbed Priscilla's cheek tenderly, holding her close to him.

"Like hell it was! How could you let a little girl shack up with you like this?? Then proceed to take her innocence in a pubic bathroom." Stated Ann, gripping her hands at her sides.

"Mother -!" Priscilla began to protest, before John cut her off.

"Oh, I'm afraid that wasn't our first time." He said with a cheeky grin, secretly grabbing Priscilla's ass. She then jumped slightly before her mother continued.

"What is your name?!!" Ann demanded, feeling totally revolted.

"I don't think that even matters." John said coolly.

"Of course it does, you're a sexual deviant, living in sin with my daughter. I can only assume you are forcing her to perform sexually for you. I will phone the police and tell them all about your disturbing lifestyle." She stated matter-of-factly, "Tell me your name!"

"Ahh, but I'm afraid you are wrong. I'm not forcing 'er to do anything, she wants to fuck me." John then leaned in closer to Ann, "Can't get enough of it, really mum." He said raising his eyebrows.

"John!" Priscilla gasped.

"This is disgusting; you're lucky your father isn't here. Perhaps I should get him from inside the theater and you shall tell him this yourself mister, whoever you are."

"Too bad we are leaving, taking your little girl for drinks." He hissed.

Ann ran into the theater to grab Mr. Beaulieu but by the time she had returned, they were gone.

"Oh Paul, it was terrible. I could hear the things her and that man were doing in there." She began to sob.

"Ann, please, let it go. She will be back." Paul said as he held his wife tight.


Priscilla and John were running arm in arm down the street, giggling as they did.

John was beginning to become out of breath. Pausing for a minute, he bent over, placing his hands on his knees, "I think we are far enough away from them." He said, between gasps for air.

"Do you think she will find out you're my teacher?" said Priscilla, worry in her eyes.

"Cilla, doesn't even know my name." He said as he wrapped both his hands around her shoulders, "Besides if we were married, she would have nothing to say."

Priscilla hesitated, giving John a quizzical look. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means if you were me wife, no one could take you away from me. Plus, the school can't fire me if I marry you." He said, searching her eyes.

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