#5 - I Can't Stand...

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As Priscilla made her way to the police station the sun began to set. For once it had not been raining and air was slightly cool. As she came closer and closer to the station her steps became slower and slower. I don't know if I can do this. She thought to herself. It was as if the devil and angel sat upon each of her shoulders, telling her what to do. I should turn him in, he's a freak. But there is something about him, I don't know what it is... she trailed off until someone grabbed ahold of her shoulder.

"Do you need any help miss?" a policeman asked her with a smile.

Jumping slightly from being startled Priscilla spun around to meet the friendly eyes of the officer, "No, I'm quite alright. I thought I was lost but I seem to have found my way." she smiled innocently.

"Alright, cheers young lady." He answered as he entered the station.

With that, Priscilla headed home. I can't do it. I can't turn him in. I just can't bring myself to do it. She thought. What if I secretly liked it? She thought with a smile. She was conflicted to say the least. The idea of John both scared her and excited her. She wanted to much to resist him, but at the same time she found herself longing for his intimacy. She was scared of his weird sexual thirsts but was too ashamed to admit to herself that she may actually like them too. Conflicted, she continued to walk home.

Once inside her home, Priscilla avoided the line of questioning as to why she was home so early when she was supposed to be at a party. Priscilla simply told her mother she wasn't feeling well and decided to head home early. Once inside her room she began to get ready for a long weekend ahead. One that would not surly not include the likes of John Lennon.


Monday morning came quicker than expected. Priscilla toyed with the idea of faking sick to be able to stay home to avoid an awkward encounter with John.

She spent a few moments recalling her dull weekend at home. Most of her days were spent taking care of her younger brother and sister, Michelle and Don. She also helped her mother with various chores around the house, completed some home work as well as some studying.

From time to time Priscilla caught herself daydreaming about John. She was confused by him but couldn't resist thinking about him. It was a morbid curiosity that she just couldn't shake.

"Priscilla honey, time to get up!!" her mother called from the kitchen.

Slowly rising from her bed to face herself in the mirror, Priscilla sighed, This is going to be a long day.


All of the mundane events from this morning lead her up until this very moment. It was 12 noon. There Priscilla she stood in front of her locker, panic in her eyes. Art history began at 12:05pm. I have to face him, she thought, convincing herself to be strong. Grabbing her art history book, she was mentally readying herself for one of the most awkward experiences of her life.

Head held high, she entered John's classroom. Upon her entrance, he was too busy writing something on the blackboard to even notice that she entered the room, or so she thought. Priscilla took her usual seat in the and immediately crossed her legs. Memories of what John had confessed to her the Friday before came back, flooding her mind. It was at that moment her eyes met Johns. They seemed to glimmer with excitement for a moment, until the bell rang.

"Alright class, today we will be discussing the Fauvist movement!" he announced rather happily. "In French, tha' translates to, 'wild beasts'." He hissed as he stared directly at Priscilla. The rest of the class laughed.

Lecture dragged on while John spoke of this period in art. He spoke about it so excitedly that Priscilla could tell he very much appreciated this particular style of art. She found it uncanny how all the portraits were done up with such unnatural colors choices. Amongst his slides were portraits of lady's with blue faces, purple hair and green noses. It was very bizarre.

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