#8 - This Espionage is Sweeter Now, Now that We're Alone

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"Come inside Priscilla, I want to quickly change before we go out for dinner." John said as he walked her inside his flat.

"Out to dinner? I thought you said you were making dinner?" Priscilla mused as she stood in his living room.

"Well, I thought it would be nicer if I took you out." John smiled as he untucked his shirt from his pants.

"Right, sure Mr. Lennon, what ever you say." She said as she stood in front of a large painting that hung on his wall.

John approached her from behind placing his hand on her hip and feeling downward toward the front of her thigh. He brushed the hair away from her skin to expose her neck. He began to softly kiss her there and breathe her sent.

"What exactly is this a painting of?" she said, ignoring his advances.

"It's by Duchamp. It's titled 'Nude Descending a Staircase'" he said in-between kisses.

"Nude? I don't see anything nude about it." She stated with confusion.

John then stopped his insistent kisses to look at the painting. "Its in motion. She's moving downward towards the end of the staircase."

Priscilla started intently at the picture.

"If your looking for her naughty bits, there aren't any." John said with a slight giggle.

Priscilla playfully turned to smack his arm.

John let out a chuckle, "Shouldn't you call your parents? You know, in case they are worried about you?"

Priscilla's face dropped slightly. "No, I don't feel like speaking to them."

John wouldn't normally not ask for details. He usually could care less about the lives of the women he slept with. Instead, John now found himself in a different position all together. One where he wanted to know about Priscilla; where he actually cared.

"Is... everything alright?" he asked softly.

After a few moments of silence, Priscilla finally spoke up. "John, could I stay here with you tonight?" she asked, ignoring his question.

"Yes Kitten." he replied. John suddenly saw a quick flash of sorrow behind her eyes. He put his finger under her chin to lift her head to face him directly. He peered into her icy blue eyes to give her the softest kiss he ever gave. I don't know what happen to my little princess, but I never want her to have that look in her eyes ever again.

"Maybe we should stay in." John suggested. "Order some take away."

"You British sure do speak funny." Priscilla laughed.

With a puzzled look, John retorted, "And what did I say that was so funny like?"

"It's the little things." She cooed, "I find it very... sexy." She said shyly as she wrapped her arms around his neck and gazed into his eyes.

"You're somethin' else, Priscilla Beaulieu." He sighed, bleedin' Christ; I'm falling for this girl, he cursed himself.


Later that evening they ordered a curry dinner for two from a new Indian restaurant, not far from John's flat. John insisted she stay in while he went to pick up the food. Partially because he didn't want to risk being seen with her, but also because she seemed as if something was troubling her. Priscilla padded across his flat into his bedroom where John gave her one of his t-shirts to wear while he suggested for her to take a shower while he was out.

Priscilla didn't realize how much she would enjoy the feel of a hot shower running down her body. The feeling was enough to take away the stresses caused by her parents, new school and the move itself. Priscilla didn't want to admit is to herself; but John had already influenced her. Defying her parents and leaving her whereabouts a mystery to them was not something she would normally do. She didn't want to admit it, but there was something so magnetizing about John. Even though he intimidated her at first. She was drawn to him. Behind his eyes was a darkness she could understand. A pain she felt she could relate to; one she was now used to. As similar as the two of them were, Priscilla still didn't feel comfortable opening up to John. Her sexual experiences with men had always been heated and rushed. She was never in control of her body. Often she felt she was subject to horny little boys looking for quick release.

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