#13 - You Trace the Taste of Yesterday...

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Both feeling the buzz off the wine, Priscilla and John made their way down to the theater. Once inside, they noticed the lobby was packed with mostly young teenage girls, desperate for a chance to see Elvis on the big screen.

"I guess we better get in line." John said as he glancing around. "Actually, on second thought, you stay here while I get us some popcorn and soda." With a quick kiss, John left Priscilla to hold their place.

Priscilla began to stare at a large poster of Elvis that hung on the theater wall, I wonder what Elvis would think of me if he met me? She thought, dreamily.

Moments later, John returned with their snacks. "I got us extra butter." He said with a cheeky smile as he shook the popcorn.

Priscilla and John made their way to their seats. Conveniently, John had picked ones in the back row. He then began to anxiously crunch away at the popcorn before the lights were dimmed.

"You're going to get a belly ache eating so quickly. And where are your glasses? I doubt you will be able to see a thing from back here." Priscilla scolded him like a child.

"Yes, mother." He seductively whispered in her ear as he pulled his glasses from his pocket to place them on his nose. This caused Priscilla blushed a deep scarlet. Just then, the lights began to dim.

Halfway through the movie, Priscilla felt something warm wrap around her knee. She glanced over at John, he met her stare with a smile. Moments later, John's hand began to slowly hike Pricilla's skirt over her knee and upwards toward her thigh. Priscilla blushed, though no one could see it. "John please, not now." She warned softly.

"But Kitten, this is your fault." He said as he placed her hand on top of his erection that was now poking through his pants. "You're just too damn sexy."

"John this theater is packed with people; someone could see us." She whispered, bringing her face closer to his.

"Not if we are really careful." John responded with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Priscilla gave in and began to kiss John, slowly and seductively while his hand slowly trailed up her inner thigh toward her wetness. Priscilla began to suck hungrily at his neck while John teased her though the outside of her panties.

"I want to fuck you, baby doll." John growled in her ear. "Right here, in front of all these people."

Priscilla moaned slightly at the vision of his words. "Mr. Lennon, you're so dirty." She said with pseudo disgust.

"Mr. Lennon can't 'elp himself when he has to stare at your tight little body all day. Those perky tits and ass driving me mad." He hissed into her neck as he savagely kissed her.

"John." Priscilla began to pant, "Maybe we should leave."

John pulled away to press his forehead to hers. "It's okay Cilla. I'll behave." John said with a tight lipped smile.

Sighing, Priscila smoothed her hair, "I'll just use the ladies room then for a moment, just to freshen up a bit."

"Okay." John said as he watched her stand and exit the theater, eyeing her backside the whole time.

Once in the bathroom, Priscilla quickly enclosed herself into a tiny stall. She sat on the toilet longer than needed, it was the only way she could calm herself down from the heated passion her and John had just shared moments earlier.

Priscilla smiled at the words her and John exchanged over dinner; "I love you, I never loved the others, especially her...." she heard Johns voice echo in her head.

Dark Blue - Part 1Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz