"Hey do you want me to walk with?" Danny asked as people were packing up there bags and leaving.

"Yeah I'll meet you in the hallway. I need to get something real quick." He smiled and nodded before walking out the door to wait. I walked over to Logan's desk and waited for everyone to leave the room. Logan's head was down looking at some papers.

*Cough, cough.* He still didn't look up so I slammed my books onto his desk causing a huge smack sound. He still refused to look up at me and I wasn't wanting to make Danny wait forever so I reached over smacked him across the head.

"Ow! Louise! If you would have given me two more seconds.."

"Hat please." I held out my hand and waited for him to give it back. He sighed and pulled my hat out of his desk drawer. He held it in his hand and then set it in his lap.

"Logan, give me my hat." I looked at him sternly. Logan looked up at me and smiled.

"That's not how you talk to your superiors."

"You are not my superior. You are a graduates assistant. So give me my hat Logan." He still just sat there like an idiot. "Logan! Hat!"

"Louise! No!"

"Excuse me?" I was shocked. He can't keep my hat. Surely that is illegal or something.

"You will get you hat back when you learn how to treat me, your superior." His smug smile made me feel sick. He put my hat back in the drawer and stood up from the desk. "Do you want me to walk you out?"

"No" I said annoyed. I wasn't going to fight him on it because I new in the end he will still end up with my hat in that stupid drawer. I just sighed and left the class to go meet Danny in the hallway. As soon as I emerged from the door a smile formed on Danny's face. I gave him a weak smile because I was no longer in a friendly mood. When I did the smile fell of his face and a face of concern took it place. 

"What happened?" His voice sounded concerned and sad.

"It's nothing really. Mr. Bush took my hat and won't give it back." I sighed. "I'm just feed up that's all." Danny took a deep breath in and smiled at me again.

"So are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah. I don't really want to be here any longer." We walked to his dorm and he dropped of his bags before we walked to the park on campus. We sat down on one of the benches and Danny pulled something out of his pocket.

"What's that?" I asked. It looked like a small cardboard box covered in duck tape. All i could think was 'Really? He is a drug addict isn't he.' Danny smiled and poured some of the contents of the box into his hand. I looked down to see a hand full of M&M's. I laughed and brought my hands up to my face. 

"What?" Danny asked giggling a bit.

"Why do you have M&M's? And why are they packaged that way?"

"They are peanut M&M's and I put tape around the package because my room mate likes to steal my stuff. I thought if he couldn't tell what it was then he wouldn't try to take it."

"So why do you have them now?"

"Well you see when I was younger my brother used to go the college here. So when we would come to visit him we would always come out here and eat the chocolate of the M&M's and then we would use the nuts to feed the squirrels." He handed me a M&M and placed one in his hand as well.

"So what do I do with it?"

"You just eat the chocolate then wait for a squirrel to come up. Then you chunk the nut at the squirrel. Um... but gently."  I laughed at him eating the out side of the candy. "Aren't you going to try?"

"I'm good" I said blushing with a smile.  

"Suit yourself." He smiled and leaned up against the back of the bench. He was quiet for a long time before turning towards me.

"Do..um.. Do you want to go somewhere Friday? Like together like a date or something? It doesn't have to be I just thought.." I cut him off there so he didn't have to keep talking.

"I would love to." I replied with a smile.

Louigan-The reconnectionWhere stories live. Discover now