Abstract [One Shot]

Start from the beginning

"Oh." Lily glanced down at her empty glass. "Oh, Dari, dear, please get me another drink!" She turned and grabbed him by the front of his suit. Before he could answer, she locked her mouth with his for a brief second. Lex had a feeling that was how she got everything she wanted, as Darius nodded and grabbed her glass from her hands.

Lily turned back to Lex, her eyes filled with longing. She smiled and stepped up to him, her hand brushing against his. He pulled it back, startled by her sudden closeness. "Mr. Luthor... can you give me a tour?" She batted her thick, long eyelashes.

"Sure," he answered. He gestured for her to follow him as he started towards his office. "Now, I have changed everything about my father's company since the day of his death, except for his office. I haven't had the heart to do it."

"Really?" she asked in fake interest.

"Mhm! Silly, isn't it? Orphan boys, I suppose. Ha!" He opened the large wooden doors and allowed her to step inside. Her hungry eyes took in every bit of the warm room. "Welcome, welcome."

"Oh, you have bourbon!" she noticed.

"Would you like a glass?" he asked, but he was already pouring it. She grabbed it from him and sipped it carefully, leaning against his desk. Lex did the same, his left hand braced against the table. Lily's fingers skimmed across the top of his hand to the silver ring on his finger.

"Mm... married?" she asked.

"Engaged," he answered, his voice shaky.

"Ah." She moved her hand. Her glass was placed onto the table and she stepped closer to him until her side was pressed against his chest. "Mr. Luthor, I have a confession." She leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "I am incredibly drunk and incredibly in love with you right now."

Lex didn't believe the last part of that. She just met him; she was only in love with money and power, which Lex had a lot of. Lex nodded and watched her carefully. His heart clenched as she leaned forward, her eyes drooped and looking at his lips. Her soft lips brushed against his for a brief moment before Lex jerked his head back.

"Mm, no." He shook his head.

"Why not?" she murmured, her fingernails gently moving down his arm. "Look at me, Mr. Luthor. Do you not want this because of your fiancée?"

You. You would be here any moment. Lex shook his head. His drunk mind couldn't put together a coherent sentence. "Mm... no. No. I love her, I can't."

She pouted. "And I love my husband, but aren't we supposed to get whatever we want?" she asked, and she kissed him again. Lex mumbled against her mouth. Her fingers tangled through his orange locks and pulled lightly.

And suddenly, tasting the bourbon amd champagne on her lips, he began to kiss back. The alcohol was sparking inside of him, igniting the side of himself that he tries to hide. Her drunk lips pulled him in so suddenly. He dropped his glass to the floor carelessly and put his hands on Lily's waist. She smiled as he touched her, like she just won something.

"Lex," a voice cried, and he stopped. He pulled his mouth back and forced his eyes to the open doors. His vision was hazy, but it was you. You came into focus and Lex realized what he had done. "Why, Lex?"

Lex could feel her red lipstick smeared across his mouth. "I... I..."

You shook your head. "I should have known better than to love a man with only power on his mind." You tore off your engagement ring and tossed it without second thought. "Don't worry, though. You want power? You can have any woman you want. You'll never see me again. Although it doesn't make much difference, does it? You got any woman you wanted when you did have me." You stormed out.

"No," Lex snapped. He shoved Lily away and sprinted towards the hallway. You were walking out quickly. "No, ___!" You didn't look at him as you ran inside the large crowd. Gone forever.

Darius approached, a tray of drinks in his hand. He watched carefully as you sprinted away. "What happened?" he asked, then he looked at Lex. Messy hair, stained lips. The tray fell from his hands.

"Dari," Lily gasped. Darius turned a red darker than Lily's lipstick and started yelling.

Lex didn't hear. He heard only what was going in inside of his drunk mind. Memories. You meeting him at a party, your hair tied up to the side. You running into him again at a meeting. Him asking for your number, not understanding why he had this feeling in his stomach whenever he saw you. The first date, the second, the ninth. Each date you seemed to look prettier. Your eyes were wide and always filled with a sense of joy and love because you loved him.

And when he proposed, those wild [e/c] eyes seemed to sparkle. He held your hands in his and smiled as you sobbed tears of joy, and he kissed each of your fingers. I love you, I love you, I am so in love with you, Lex Luthor, you said. Lex nodded, finally accepting that someone had really loved him. His whole future was here, right here, and he would protect you forever.

And now it's gone. He lied. He had hurt you more than anyone else ever had. He looked back up at the painting Lily had asked about. Of course he didn't understand it. It was made up of brown and red and black, a mess of rich colors that reminded him of Lily. Money driven, lust driven, and completely selfish.

You were abstract. Rare, beautiful, completely abstract. No one would ever compare to you. You were it for Lex Luthor.

And you were gone.

Lex Luthor x Reader [one shots/imagines] Where stories live. Discover now