Chapter 12 - An Explination

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Celeste and I slowly walked along the path to the main gate. We saw Aaron leaning against the iron gate with a blank expression. He showed no sign of moving, so we came to him.

"You actually came." He said.

"Well, ya. I'm curious to what you have to say. Ask Dean, I'm worse than Curious George."

"Mhm, so anyway, I know you both know the secret about SCA. So, I thought you might as well know my side of the story as well."

"Ya, but who cares about our knowledge." Celeste muttered.

"I wasn't aware you had information." Aaron said. I raised an eyebrow at him. How could he have heard that? I could barely hear her and I stood right next to the tiny girl.

"So, what do you know?" I asked.

"Well, there's this scrapbook in the library with all the newspaper articles-"

"Ya, ya, ya. There's a lot of disappearances at this school. Moving on." Celeste snapped. I smiled, I was beginning to like her.

"O-kay. Anyway, I found out that it happened to my sister the day I got here. People started disappearing, and I knew I had to put a stop to it. So, I found out the only way to kill a vampire. Stabbing it, then setting it aflame."

"Isn't that werewolves?" I interrupted.

"No, and werewolves don't exist. Anyway, I took out more than half of them by the middle of last year. Bianca, Chad, Dean, and my sister were the only ones left. I couldn't bring myself to kill my sister and her friends, so I made a deal with them. As long as they don't kill people from SCA, and only hunt at a maximum of once a week, I won't kill them. They agreed, and they have been following the Code ever since."

"So, you're not one of them?" I asked.


"Okay, here's what we know." Celeste said before explaining everything that we had heard that night. Aaron didn't interrupt, just nodded a few times in understanding.

"What should we do?" I asked him. He looked to me with a sad look and my stomach dropped.

"I don't know. My best guess would be to play dumb. Until your brother talks to you about it, act like nothing is wrong. They obviously trust you, and if you are really that important than they won't want to lose you. And if they do try anything, I'll be there to help. I think the safest thing for you now is to just pretend you know nothing."

 I nodded. Aaron still annoyed me, but I couldn't hellp but feel safer knowing that he was there for me.


As soon as the bell rang signaling the end of the day, everyone said their goodbyes to each other and wished their friends a Merry Christmas.

I slowly made my way down the hall. I wouldn't be going anywhere this Christmas, so I wasn't in any kind of rush.

"Hey, Jane! Where are you going this Christmas?" Bianca asked enthusiastically.

"Oh, I'm staying here." I said sadly.

"Really? That sucks. You're not visiting your parents or anything?"

I shook my head and she gave me a hug, "Well, i hope you still have a Merry Christmas. See you at New Years!"

I nodded, giving her the best fake smile I could muster up and she hurried into a car just outside.

I sighed and made my way upstairs to my room. Celeste was busy packing her stuff when I walking in.

"Hey Celeste. You going away for the holidays too?"

"Ya, I'm going home to my three little sisters. I'm hoping they've been good to my mom and dad while I've been away."

"Ya, good luck."

"Oh, by the way, Dean told me to tell you to meet him at the front entrance."

"Did he say why?"

Celeste shook her head and I wished her a Merry Christmas before heading back downstairs. I saw Dean looking around at the main doors. When his eyes landed on me, a smile broke out on his face and he started to make his way over to me.

"Hey, D. What's up?"

"Well, I heard dad's not coming and I wanted to surprise someone. Can you stand right here?" Dean said as he positioned me in a spot. He took out his cell phone and typed in a text before sliding it in his pocket.

"What have you done now?" I asked. My brother just continued to smile smugly and I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, a woman who was just a bit taller than me walked through the front doors. She had long blonde hair and big brown eyes, her slender features making her look no older than 29,even though she was about 37.

When she saw me, her eyes lit up. "Jane?"

I felt tears well up in my eyes and a smile grow on my face, "MOM!"

She held her arms out for a hug and I ran to her, gripping my mother tight. I could feel her joyful tears on my hair and she squeezed me so much it almost hurt.

I let go and wiped the tears away from my face she looked at my face, studying the different features. I was about 8 last time I saw my mom, and I had definitely changed a lot since then.

"Your father put you in SCA too?" she asked.

"In October."

"Is this the first-"

"Ya. Ya it is. We never had time."

"Oh honey, it's okay. When's he picking you up?"

"He-he's not. I'm here this Christmas."

My mom shook her head, "No way are you staying at school for Christmas. You're coming home."

I felt a smile on my face and nodded my head, shutting my eyes tight and hoping all of this was real.

"Okay, who wants pie when we get home?"

***Sorry I skipped all of November, but nothing exciting happens in November. At least not in Canada, cuz you Americans have Thanksgiving. Anyway, I thought I'd get out of the Halloween talk and on to Christmas.

Thanks for reading, and have a Merry Christmas!!!!!! :D


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