Chapter 23 - Attack In Arizona

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I sat motionless on the sofa in my dad's trailer. My eyes stared off into nothing in particular.

I could feel my new bandmates' stares on me as I sat. They looked at me with both worry and curiosity. I didn't blame them. I looked like a mess.

My hair was frizzy, parts of it still sticking to my slightly wet cheeks. My face was probably red from crying for so long, and I could feel my makeup dripping. Why didn't I put on waterproof?

I couldn't get my mind off of SCA. Paris, Bianca, Aaron, even Celeste I missed. But nothing compared to the guilt that was inside me from leaving Dean like that. How could I be so cruel?

"Janey? Are you alright?" Pete asked. He was the band's drummer, and always came up with the dumbest nicknames for me.

"I" I managed to choke out in barely a whisper. Pete looked confused, but dropped the conversation.

Suddenly, I felt the trailer jerk to a sudden stop. The driver cursed in frustration, but my father barely looked up from his bottle of beer.

"Jane, go fix the trailer." He ordered without looking away from the paper.


"Jane Makayla Robertson do not, under any circumstances, talk back to me!" He warned in a threatening tone, "Now, get up off your lazy ass and fix the damn truck!"

I huffed and got up quickly. At least I would be just a little farther away from him.

I slammed the trailer door behind me and instantly regretted not changing first. The heat of Arizona hit me like a shock wave and I instantly began to sweat. I lifted the hood of the truck and coughed as smoke rose to my face.

This was obviously going to take a bit longer than I had hoped.

I ran inside and changed into a very short pair of jean shorts and my bikini top before heading back outside.

I tied my hair up in a ponytail and sighed at the mess in front of me. The engine was overheated and the oil was low. Oh, and we were out of gas.


I slammed the hood closed and told the driver not to turn the engine on. I then told him that I was going to go find a convenience store for some oil and gas. He promised me he's tell the band and I quickly left before he made me stick around.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead and looked around at the desert around me. We were literally in the middle of nowhere.

I squinted down the road and was just able to make out a small town. I guess that was going to be my best bet.

As I began my walk, my mind wandered back to SCA. I know I shouldn't be thinking about it, but I couldn't help it. My eyes focused themselves on my dusty cowboy boots and I found myself in the town in no time at all.

It was pretty small, only a few roads lined with shops and houses. It seemed pretty populated for such a small place. People walked all around me, and shops seemed pretty busy.

I finally spotted a convenience store just down the road and thanked God that they had one.

Two guys, who looked about my age (maybe a year or two older) suddenly walked on either side of me. They looked pretty similar, both with dark hair and tanned skin. They were actually kind of cute, in a bad boy kind of way. The only difference they had between each other was their eyes. The boy on my left had dull brown eyes, while the boy in my right had bright green eyes.

"Hey there! I haven't seen you around here before. Did you just move here?" the green eyed one asked.

"No, my father's truck broke down up the road. I need gas and oil." I said.

"I should've known. You look like the rich type anyway." the brown eyed one said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, taking offense to the comment.

"Nothing. I'm Carl, and that's Nick." he introduced, pointing to his green eyed friend as he said the name.

"I'm Jane." I said. I didn't know why they were talking to me, but whatever.

"Jane..." Nick muttered. I pretended not to hear him and walked through the convenience store doors. I quickly grabbed a container of gas and some oil before heaving them onto the counter.

"That'll be $20." the cashier said.

I fished for my wallet and handed the woman a $20 bill. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Carl lick his lips hungrily, as if he hadn't eaten in days.

"Of course." I muttered to myself. Then, I turned to the woman behind the counter, "Excuse me, do you have a back exit?"


"Do you?"

"Yes, just through that door." she said as she pointed to a door on the other side of the store.

"Thanks." I said as I threw her 5 bucks and headed to the door. Of course, the door thing was partially a test, just to see if my suspicions were correct. As I had guessed, Nick and Carl followed me out the back door.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, little lady! You're too fragile to be left alone." Nick cooed.

"It would be wrong of us not to accompany you until you are back in the safety of your father." Carl added.

"I'm fine, really."

"A pretty little thing like you needs protection, don't you think, Carl?"

"I do."

"But first, I'm feeling a little thirsty."

Nick was beside me within seconds and I felt teeth bite into my arm. They would have been in my neck, if I hadn't thrown my arm in the way.

Nick quickly let go and stepped away, obviously surprised about my quick thinking.

"That's right. You messed with the wrong California Girl." I cried. I sensed Carl's attack before he got to me and quickly grabbed a steel pipe from off the rack behind me. As I swung back again, I smashed him square in the face with the end of it. He dropped to the ground, grabbing hims face and crawling away in agony.

"What the-?" Nick gasped before I spun the pipe easy in my hands as if it were a baton, and I was a cheerleader at a football game.

I sliced the air threateningly before smashing Nick's face to match his friend's. I skewered Carl through the heart and watched him fall to the ground. I then did the same to Nick, and soon they were both crumpled at my feet. I poured as much of the gas that was needed onto their moaning bodies and took out a matchbook from my pocket. I have been keeping one on me since I found out what really kills vampires. ***Did a bit of a rewrite! Stabbing and fire kills vampires***

I struck the match and threw it on the bodies, immediately covering them in flames.

Wow. Dead vampires stunk. Really bad.

I secured the lid on the gas container and booked it out of the terrifying town in Arizona.


Hey! sorry for the rewrite thing, but it doesn't make much sense for vampires to be killed with silver.

It is official! There WILL be a sequel after this story is finished! XD Don't worry, though. The Girl Who Cried Vampire isn't even close to it's end. But, I hope that you like it enough to read the sequel when I post it! I shall keep you updated!!!

I hope you liked this chapter even though it was short! I <3 feedback and votes!

I dedicated this chapter to Moo1212 so she'd get off my back about updating for awhile. LOL this one's for you ;)


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