Chapter 18 - Textbooks And Allies

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"Jane, we have to tell Bianca and Dean right away!" Paris cried. She got up and started rushing to the door, but I grabbed the back of her sweater and yanked her back.

"Paris, I'm not supposed to know, remember? If Chad finds out that I know about this, he might hurt Dean. Plus, that deal he made with my brother states that if I take Aaron's side before the end of the year, Chad's just going to put his plan in action early." I told her. Paris sighed, but reluctantly nodded. I could tell she wasn't happy about keeping this a secret, but at least she saw my point.

"Fine, but you at least have to tell Dean that you know."

I sighed, "I guess."

Suddenly, I heard a knock at the door, and I opened it without thinking. Aaron stood in the doorway, catching his breath, clenching his teeth, and holding a heart in his hand.

I looked from Aaron's terrifying appearance, to Paris's shocked and scared expression. It was silent in the room for a few seconds, nobody said a word. All that could be heard was Aaron's heavy breaths. After standing there for what seemed like forever, I burst out laughing.

"You couldn't have picked a better time to show up with a bloody heart in your hand!" I cried through my laughter. Aaron rolled his eyes and came in, brushing past his sister without a word.

"It's done. He's gone." Aaron muttered as he wrapped the bloody heart in a strip of paper towel.

" had to bring me his heart for proof?" I asked in disgust.

"The heart has to be separated from the body or else the vampire will just come back." Aaron explained. He dropped the wrapped heart in my hands and I plugged my nose.

"Aaron, this is nasty. Put it somewhere else."

"A-Aaron? W-what are you doing here? W-who's heart is-" Paris stuttered.

"One of the new students decided to complete the assignment early. I'm just doing what I promised I'd do." Aaron snapped. He sat down next to Celeste and started examining her ankle.

"It's a sprain." I told him. Aaron nodded and took some gauze out of his pocket.

"Who carries that stuff around?" I asked in complete disbelief. Aaron was probably the weirdest guy I had ever met.

"Aaron, can I talk to you for a minute?" I asked as I pointed to the washroom. Aaron looked at me curiously, but followed me inside. I threw the vampire heart in the sink and hopped back up onto the counter, shutting the door with my foot.

"Why is she here and how does she know that you know?" Aaron asked immediately.

"She's my best friend and you sister. Besides, she told me she was a vampire."

"She told you? Seriously?"

"Yes, she did. Now, I think we could really use her help."


"Oh, come on! Three humans against 13 vampires is impossible. We need a vampire on our side if you want to do this! Please, Aaron? I've never had a real friend before. I don't want to end up losing the only ones I've got."

Aaron looked down at his shoes, his shoulders sagging. I knew he couldn't argue with the puppy dog eyes.

"Fine. I guess we could use her help."

I smiled and opened the bathroom door, "Paris, would you like to help us kick some evil butt?"


Chad's locker opened with a click and I smiled.

Paris was staring at me in astonishment, "Where did you learn to do that?"

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