Chapter 4 - Siblings

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Dean's POV

I walked down the halls confidently. I totally owned this place.

Well, not as much as Bianca and Chad, but still.

I strolled into the guy's locker room and started to quickly change into my gym shorts.

"Dude, did you hear about that girl that fell out of the vent this morning?" I overheard Jason say.

"Ya. She's totally unconscious right?" Gabe replied.

"That new girl is kind of strange, but hot right?"

My eyes widened. She didn't...

"What was her name again? Jane something?"

I stood up quickly. "Jane Robertson? My sister? She fell out of a vent?"

Gabe nodded, "Ya, Jane Robertson. She fell out of a vent above the gym. That Aaron guy caught her, but she's unconscious in the nurse's office. Wait, she's your little sister?"

I ran out of the locker room without a reply. "You'd think she'd have at least a little common sense. But no. I got stuck with the biggest thrill seeker as a sister. Do I ever get a break? No. Does she care? No." I muttered to myself as I jogged down the hallway to the nurse's office.

I stopped at the doorway and slowly walked into the medical room. Large windows covered most of the wall space, and the rest was covered with advisory posters that said things like, "Do you get enough vitamin C?"

Jane was lying on a white couch on the other side of the room. I saw Paris sitting in a chair next to her. She was playing with a purple hibiscus flower that was sitting in a vase next to the couch. She looked up and smiled sympathetically at me.

The nurse stopped me from walking any further, "Mr Robertson? Can I help you with something?"

"Um, I'm here to see my sister?" I said, confused. Why else would I be here?

"This is your sister? My apologies." She said as she let me past. I knelt down next to Jane and the nurse stood behind me.

"She's going to be just fine, my dear. She took a nasty fall. Lucky Mr. Mandler was there, or she would have some severe injuries."

"Why is she unconscious if he caught her?"

"I'm afraid the impact was enough to knock her out, but thankfully not enough to cause much more damage. She will have to stay in her room for the next day, and she won't be able to participate in ny kind of physical activity for the rest of the week."

"I'm sure she'll be fine with that."

"Wait, this is your sister? I had no idea!" Paris said suddenly.

"A lot of people don't." I muttered.

"I can't believe my brother saved her. He's not really one to do something like this."

"What? Save a person's life? Doesn't he do that all the time?"

"You're right. I forgot."

I shook my head in response. I hated Aaron Mandler. So did Bianca and Chad. Paris claimed she did as well, but we all knew she still had a soft spot for her little brother. I'll know how she feels if Chad is right about Jane.

Paris told me she had to get to class and the nurse left, leaving me alone with Jane. I took her hand in my own and brushed my thumb over her cold fingers.

"Oh Jay. What have you done to yourself now?" I whispered to her unmoving body. I tucked a lock of her long brown hair behind her ear.

"I'm going to be there for you. I promise. I'll be the big brother I should have been all these years. I was wrong to leave, and I'm sorry. Just please be okay."


Jane's POV

My eyes slowly opened and I found myself in my room. It was nighttime outside the window and dark in the room. Celeste wasn't there, (thankfully) but a different figure sat in a chair in the corner.

"Dean?" I asked.

He suddenly shot out of the chair and was at my side within a few seconds.

"Jane! Are you okay? Are you tired? What hurts? Are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you need me to go and get-"

"Shut up! What happened? Why am I in my room?"

"Well, Mandler took you to the nurse's office. When class was over, he came back and carried you here. I was so worried."

"Mandler? Which one?" I asked.

"Aaron." Dean said through his teeth.

"How long was I out?" I asked as I tried to sit up. My muscles wouldn't listen and I let in a sharp breath of pain.

"At least 12 hours. Your roommate went to the library."

"It's 9pm? That sucks." I said.


We were silent for a few long minutes. Finally, Dean got up off his knees and brushed himself off.

"Well, I hope you're feeling better. I promised Bianca and Chad I would meet up with them at 9:30, so I should go. Night." he said as he closed the door behind him.


I sighed and looked up at the ceiling once again.

Bored, bored, bored... What could I do?

Psh. I know.

Let's go snooping.

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