Chapter 19 - Swords And School Plays

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February has hit SCA. Bad.

February Fever has sent the romance department into hyperdrive. Everyone has been effected, from girls wearing shorter skirts, to guys summoning up all their courage.

Well...almost everyone.

"Oh. My. God. I LOVE Valentine's Day. Don't you?" Bianca cried.

I rolled my eyes and opened my locker, taking out my history book. Valentine's Day was always the worst. From guys asking out girls that were WAY out of their league, to the sale signs at the florist. It all annoyed me for some reason. What was so great about a stupid baby with arrows? I didn't believe in love, anyway. You can like someone. That's it. Love? A word made for fairytales.

"Valentine's Day is a BIG deal at South California Academy. We have this traditon, where guys give a red rose to any girl they like or think is pretty. Then, the girls compete to see who got the most roses by the end of the day. I'm usually the one who gets the most, but you seem to have a nice sized group behind you." Bianca said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, sort of annoyed now.

"I meant nothing by it, Jane. Chill." Bianca said, her hands raised in innocence.

I shook my head, trying to clear the bad thoughts from my head. Think of the positives, Jane. Celeste is making sharp pointy things in metalworks today, plus you actually signed up for an elective.

"Anyways, I'll see you in Theatre this afternoon." Bianca said with a bright smile. As soon as she left, I sighed.

Why did it have to be Valentine's Day in three days? Of all days, Valentine's Day was the worst. Especially this Friday, February 14th.

I slammed my locker shut, not bothering to lock it, and stormed to my next class.


I ripped down the pink and red paper chain that hung above the student lounge door and walked in. SCA was completely covered in pink hearts and paper Cupids. It was horrifying. Completely horrifying.

I flopped onto the nearest couch and groaned. Tuesdays sucked, so I decided to skip the rest of the day until Theatre.

I took out my Algebra textbook and started flipping through the pages. I might as well try and do some math. I mean, how hard can it be?

I wrote my name at the top of the page messily and looked at the first question for the assignment.

X - (Y+W) D = 5,492

"Why are their letters in a math problem?! I can't subtract LETTERS!!" I cried. I stuffed the textbook back in my bag and took out my phone instead. 1 new text from Celeste.

Jane, we have a problem. Come to the tech ed room NOW.

I shoved my phone in my pocket and ran back down the hall. I completely left my book bag and the textbook of letters sitting there, but it didn't matter.

I skidded to a stop just outside the tech ed room and opened the door wide. All of the students were sitting at a large table, and Mr. Debris was standing at the front with Celeste. Celeste was unfortunately still on crutches because of her ankle.

Mr. Debris looked up as I came in, "Who are you?" he asked rudely.

"Who cares?!" I cried as I motioned for Celeste to talk to me for a moment.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"Oh, not much. Just that Mr. Debris isn't going to let me make a sword because I would never use it and it's too dangerous." Celeste whispered.

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