Chapter 10 - Birthday Message

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My eyes fluttered open and I found myself in my room again. What was with me and fainting? Oh right. Last time I passed out.

It was morning, and the sun was shining bright. A slight breeze blew in from the window. It looked like a perfect morning.

The memories of last night suddenly caught up with me and I let out a gasp. I shot upwards and my head felt dizzy. I blinked away the spinning and saw a figure sitting in the chair by the window. Was that going to be a regular spot?

"Finally. It has awoken." a familiar voice chuckled. I rolled my eyes and swung my feet to the edge of my bed, standing up and walking calmly to the bathroom.

"Don't you think it's a bit creepy to sit in a chair and watch a girl while she's asleep? I mean god. You act like Edward Cullen." I scolded before beginning to brush my teeth.

"Ha ha. You're hilarious." Aaron said sarcastically. I heard him get off his chair and I kicked the door shut.

"Rude much? If it weren't for me, you would still be out on that field. Ya, that would be comfortable. You're welcome."

"Ya, ya, whatever." I said after spitting in the sink. I washed my toothbrush off and brushed my hair, pulling it back into a ponytail before opening my door again.

"I warned you to stay away from Bianca and Chad. They did that to you, didn't they?"


"Don't play dumb. Bianca and Chad did this to you, didn't they?"

"Of course not. They're my friends."

"Sure they are." Aaron said as he rolled his eyes.

"Ya, they are! Just...get out of here, Mandler." I said coldly.


"GET OUT, GEEK!" I screamed. Aaron looked surprised and hurt. Then, he went back to his normal, emotionless self and was gone.

I sighed and sat down on the edge of my bed. They were my friends. You don't go back on your friends. They would never hurt me.

They couldn't....


"See? Isn't this fun?!" Paris squealed.

I was in a Halloween store with Bianca and Paris. We were all trying to find a Halloween costume for some party coming up. Paris and Bianca had already found their costume, Paris as a devil and Bianca as Tinkerbell. So, I was the only one that didn't have a costume yet. And my friends just loved it.

"Guys, I am not going as a pink fairy." I concluded, crossing my arms over my chest. It had been two hours since I started putting on costumes, and all of them sucked.

"Oh fine. Try this one next!" Bianca said enthusiastically, throwing me another costume. This one was a French maid and I groaned.

"Guys, I know you're having fun, but can you try and find a costume you think I would actually like?"

"Ugh, you're no fun. Fine, I guess we can keep looking." Paris said as she began skimming through the costumes again.

"OOOH! I got one!" Bianca cried. She tossed me a pirate costume and I rolled my eyes. If Paris and Bianca really were vampires, and I hadn't dreamt the entire thing, they sure didn't act like killers. They acted like happy-go-lucky teenage girls.

I put the costume on and looked at the mirror inside the change room. Wow. I actually looked good.

I walked out of the change room confidently and Paris gasped. Bianca just smiled, looking very pleased with herself.

"OH MY GOD! Jane, you look HOT. You have GOT to get that one." Paris exclaimed.

"I agree." Bianca said.

"Of course I'm getting it! I know a good find when I see one." I said as I turned back into the change room. I quickly took the costume and smiled to myself. This party is going to rock.

***2 weeks later***

Today was a good day.

Today was the day I was going to confront Dean about being a vampire.

Plus it was Halloween.

Plus it was the Halloween party.

Plus it was my 16th birthday.

Good day.

I strolled through the halls confidently. I was about to make my birthday noticed.

"Hey, Carla." I said when I got to the office. The small nerdy girl looked up at me, surprised that I knew her name.

"J-Jane Robertson! Um, hi! What can I do for you?"

"I was just wondering if I could do the announcements this morning?"

"Really? Of course! Just press this button when your ready and speak clearly through the microphone. When you're done, just take your hand off the button. Got it?"

"Of course!" I said with a sweet smile. She smiled back and I watched as she exited the office.

Oh yes. This was going to be good.


Dean's POV

"Hey guys!" I greeted cheerfully.

"Oh hey D. What's up?" Bianca asked with a smile.

"Not much. Where's Jane? I thought she's be with you guys."

"No, haven't seen her. Why?" Chad asked.

"I just wanted to wish her a happy birthday. I wonder where sh-"

I was interrupted by the announcements. "Good morning, losers! Happy Halloween!"

"Found her." Chad said in a singsong voice.

"What's she doing?" Paris asked.

Jane's voice came on to the loudspeaker again, "Well, it looks like the weather outside is Who Gives A Damn It's Halloween. Apparently, for lunch today we have, uh, shoot. Big word, imported from Timbuktu. Thank you, lunch ladies, for trying to poison us with your Si...simp...simpayk...You know what? I give up. I'd like to give a shout out to Aaron Mandler who should keep his geeky nose out of other people's business. Lastly, I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Jane Robertson. Hell ya, my birthday's on Halloween. Thank you, and have a great day in Hell."

The loudspeaker clicked off and Paris, Bianca, Chad, and I burst out laughing.

"Jane is the best. She's the only one of us that would have the courage to do something like that." Bianca said through her laughs.

"Hey guys! Did you like my announcement?" Jane asked as she joined us.

"Loved it. By the way, Happy B-Day sis." I said, giving my sister a slight hug.

"Thanks, D. Means a lot."

"We should get to class. Meet you guys at our regular spot in the cafeteria?" Bianca said.

Everyone nodded in agreement and the group split up, hurrying to their first class.

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