Chapter Twenty Seven: He is you

Start from the beginning

"I have every right. This is my land! You are in my land and you are not allowed to walk free like my rules don't exist. Every child and teenager will die or be at my mercy. You best get use to that," he laughs.

"All for what? For fun? A game? I know you plan to wipe out every human in your land. Its what you want right? But its no fun doing it quick. Its got to be slow, make every human suffer first. I've known aliens like you before. You think this is my first time facing someone like you?"

He looks at me curiously, "You seem to have it all figured out don't you Luke? Oh I must give you credit, not many humans in these lands would even begin to think of such things but you right on the nail. Oh you think your clever don't you!" he yells.

"No. Just smart enough to figure it out. As a said its no genius plan."

"You say I'm playing a game but so are you. Buying time? Messing with my thoughts. Getting information out of me. More intelligent and smart then half of these unintelligent, naive and mindless humans here too. Just one problem," he says slowly.


"You are still a teenager!"

"Not for much longer," I say quickly, "Being young don't stop you being good at something," I tell him.

"You won't have to worry about that anymore Luke. I mean your life is mine now. Your under my mercy and you should gratefully take that because I could easily kill you. So watch your tongue and watch your primitive and rude comments. I am showing you mercy right now but it might not last. Now you are coming with me," he says unchaining me from the bed and dragging me up onto my feet.

"Where we going?" I ask as I wince in pain.

"To go see Luke," he smirks as he drags me towards the door.

The Doctor's POV

I can't believe I thought it be a good idea to bring Luke with me on a trip in the Tardis. All its done has put his life at risk again. Sarah would never forgive me for this if she was still alive.

They took Luke and we are now stuck down in what seems to be a basement of some sort. I could easily get us out. They hadn't even bothered to search us , just chucked us in here.

"Doctor what we going to do?" Rory asks.

"We have to find Luke," Amy says.

I nod my head, "I know and we will. I'm thinking about the other Luke. Kevin's adopted son," I whisper.

"What about him? You said its not important." says Amy.

"Well maybe it is. Maybe its the only way to find Luke," I tell them.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean you ever thought why Kevin said Luke reminds him so much of his son and shares the same name as his son," I tell them.

"Well yeah," Amy says.

"Hold up. Same age, same name, same clothes, same facial features. Its the same person. Its Luke isn't it? Some how Kevin's son is our Luke," says Rory.

"I believe so Rory. Meaning only one thing. Luke comes back here more then once and he would of only done that if I agreed to it. Time travel can be so bizzare it quite worrying but why would I of agreed. Need to think," I say tapping my hand against my head.

"Has to be a reason right? Would this guy Majesty realize Luke looks like the other Luke?" asks Amy now.

"He could yes," I say.


"Well what?"

"You know what Doctor," says Amy.

"Got to be kidding me! Of course but...that would mean oh we got to get the Tardis now!" I shout.

"But Doctor I can't get my head around it," says Rory.

"Hmm. You ever seen Harry Potter the third film?"

"Yeah," Amy and Rory say at same time.

"Alright well think about it. Hermione and Harry travel back in time and then they are replaced by themselves. Its how it works. It goes in a circle. Constantly happening. It has to be timed perfectly," I tell them.

"So our Luke has to travel back in time to the point where what? When Kevin adopts him?" asks Amy.

"Exactly and then our Luke is replaced with the other Luke who is actually our Luke," says Rory.

"That is about the size of it," I tell them.

"But what is the point of it all? What is Luke achieving?"

"I know exactly what he is achieving. Knowledge about Majesty. Knowledge of everything. By Luke doing what he does...he is finding out how to stop him."

Luke's POV

I get chucked to the ground at the Majesty's feet in a big cave area. I look over at the boy who looks exactly like me in every way. He could be me. If he went up to Clyde he wouldn't be able to tell the difference at all. He isn't the only teenager in here yet he is the only one I am interested in at the moment just as much as Majesty is. He looks exactly like me! How can this be?

"So you got anything to say!" he demands over at the other Luke.

He looks at Majesty and then at me but says nothing.

"Of course you don't. He almost reminds me of you completely," he sneers at me, "But yet these days he says nothing does nothing. Hardly a word out of him," says the Majesty.

"I wonder why," I say quickly regretting it. Damn me and my stupid comments.

"So he won't talk and you don't seem to have a clue why you look the same?" he says to me.

"Its true. I have no idea," I tell him.

"Problem is I believe you. Go talk to him! Find out and when I am back I expect some information," he says harshly to me before looking at the other Luke before leaving locking the solid stone gates behind himself.

Suddenly I hear the Tardis and it appears over in the corner where its the only free space in here. A load of the teenagers and children look over at it very confused.

I run over to it and the Doctor opens the door, "Luke its great to see you," he says looking over my shoulder and he catches the eye of the other Luke. "You know what to do?" he asks him.

I look over my shoulder to look at him, "Of course Doctor. Its been hard but...I have a plan," he winks at the Doctor.

"What is going on?" I ask confused.

"You better get in Luke. I need to get you to somewhere and get back here to help...well to help you," he says.

"What?" I ask confused.

"Time travel Luke. He is you. Its why you look the same, the same clothes, name age everything," he tells me as I step into the Tardis.

"Why would you allow me to do that? What is the point?"

"You will know soon enough."


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