Best mistake

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I stood there trying to process what he had just said.

A baby. Not only a baby but...Suga's baby.

Suga was going to be a dad? 

It didn't feel real. Maybe he misunderstood, maybe the girl got it wrong. Mistakes happen all the time. That's what it was, a mistake. Just like everything that has happened this past year. It was all just a mistake.

"The thing is" Suga explained, "I don't even know  the girl"

Oh for god's sake...

"What do you mean you don't know the girl?" I laughed.

"The day...the day I found out that you had cheated on me," the words stung me.

"I was so angry, so confused. I felt worthless. So of course the first thing I did was turn to drink.

I went to this club, I can't even remember what club, and before I knew it I got talking to this girl. She was funny, pretty and had a stunning figure. At that moment I just wanted to forget or find some sort of get away from what had happened. And when I managed to seduce her into sleeping with me..." he sighed.

"You had a one night stand" I stated.

"Yeah" he looked down at his hands and started picking his nails nervously.

"You must of seen her again though? I saw you" I coughed, "kiss her"

"That was the day she told me she was pregnant. She contacted me and we met up. I even told her to consider an abortion, that's how desperate I was. But she said no. She doesn't believe in...abortions."

"Then why did you kiss her?" I asked.

"Because I saw you with Jimin and I wanted to make you jealous" he confessed.

"Then why" I hesitated, "Why did you kiss me?"

Suga's POV

I didn't know why I was confessing all this to her. She didn't deserve to hear any of it. But I was constantly pushing down my feelings for her. Denying them as if they are some sort of sin.

"She doesn't deserve you" Jin had said to me one night, "You were just another person that she dragged into her childish games"

I didn't believe him. Because he never knew the ins and outs of our relationship. He didn't really know us. He didn't really know me.

I always knew that I would end up doing something...unforgivable to her. I just never thought that day would come. Never thought that one day, I would let my feelings control my actions.

Rihanna's POV

He stayed silent for a while as if he was thinking. About what, I didn't know. How I wished I could get into his head and listen to his thoughts. Maybe then I would understand why he did it.

"I don't actually know" he admitted.

"Oh, so it meant nothing?"

He nodded his head in agreement, "It meant nothing"


I couldn't begin to understand how I felt so much in that kiss, but to him it meant nothing. All of the hopes I had earlier on were vanished. Hopes to make him forgive me, hopes to make this work. Gone.

Suga's POV

I lied. But I didn't want her to know that.

That meant everything.

It screamed all of the things I wanted to say but was too frightened to say.

Let's try again

We can make this work

I don't want to let go of my first love

I can't bare to see you with someone else

That girl was supposed to be a replacement, until I realised I can't replace you

Please don't leave me, I can't do this on my own

I need you

You're the best mistake I've ever made

But never have I ever confessed my feelings for someone. And I wasn't planning to. Especially since these feelings were true. And like I've said before, I vowed never to let anyone get to me. When she did, truth be told I was a mess. I was in a shipwreck of emotions, and there was no saving me.

Rihanna's POV

"You can't tell anyone. Not even Jimin, especially  not Jimin" he said.

"Don't be stupid you have to tell someone" my patience was wearing thin and my mind wouldn't work properly because of the lack of sleep I'd had.

"No I don't. I have no idea how our manager would react or how the boys would react. I'm not even telling my parents" he rubbed his forehead.

"You've got to be kidding me"


"You can't hide from the fact that your going to be a dad"

"Yes I can"

"No you can't"

"I can"

"Yoongi seriously"

"I don't want this stupid baby anyway" he kicked the edge of my bed.

"Well it's your fault. Why didn't you use protection?"

That made him stop in his tracks.

"Because I told her that it felt better without it" he closed his eyes for a second and put his head in his hands.

"And she believed you!?" I was shocked.

Then it struck me. I knew what he was like. He would always get his own way with me no matter what. I knew I had to ask him, whether it was true or not.

"You didn't...force her into it did you?" I questioned.

He didn't look at me, he couldn't bring himself too.

"I was drunk" he whispered, almost in tears.

I was speechless. I expected a lot of things from Min Yoongi but never did I ever expect that.

"You're such a-" he walked towards me and put his hands on my shoulders, making me forget what I was about to say.

"Rihanna please don't" he begged.

"But I-"

"Rihanna I'm scared" a tear rolled down his cheek.

"Scared of what? Come on Suga, you're never scared" I argued.

"I'm scared of becoming a dad and I'm scared because she threatened me"

"Threatened you?"

"She threatened to report me"

"For what?" I was impatient. I was scared.

"For Rape"

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