Thank You, Dan & Phil

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This isnt an imagine but it's a thank you from me, to Dan and Phil.

Call me cliche and call me dramatic, I don't care. But, what you're going to read really comes from my heart :)

Dear Dan and Phil,

Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you from the moment I watched your first video when I was 13 years old, sitting on my computer, not knowing what the hell I was in store for. Thank you for always being here, and always making me feel like I truly had a friend. Thank you for the laughs, the smiles, and thank you for even the tears. You are my whole world, I don't care if you think that's crazy, but it's true. Everything revolves around you in my life. Every decision is influenced by you, my personality came to be because of you, my life is what it is because of you. Obviously if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be sitting here, 8am in the morning, crying, as I write my feelings out on a website. 

Thank you, for being the reason I have so many more friends. Thank you for being the reason I met so many internet friends and for giving me the opportunity to meet people all over the world. I talk to my online friends every day. I knew some for almost more than 2 years. I've even actually hugged some before. Thank you for being the reason I wake up at 7am after having a dream about you. Thanks for being everything to me, and for never giving up on me. Thank you for the endless liveshows, the replies to my tweets, the videos, the books. 

I don't think I'll ever be able to explain how much you genuinely mean to me. You are my whole world, you changed my life so much. Everyone thinks I'm just a crazy obsessed idiot with no life but they don't know it all. To others, Dan and Phil are just 3 simple words. But, to me, Dan & Phil aren't just "words," it's so much more than that. Within those words is a world of happiness, love, laughter, and friendship. 

I promise that I'll never leave, I'll always be here. You just have to promise that you'll never leave us. Please never end any of this. Please always continue to be you, and never give up on us. Because as long as you're here, I'm here. From the bottom of my heart, I'm saying thank you. Every part of me right know is yelling thank you, which sounds weird, but hopefully you know what I'm trying to say. Sure it aches to think about hugging you and how maybe I'll never get to do that. It pains to think of taking a selfie with you, and actually physically being there with you. 

Thank you for The Amazing Tour Is Not on Fire. When I was sitting in the audience watching, I didn't stop smiling for ONE second. My mouth actually hurt  like hell by the end! But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And, when it was over, when you said bye, my heart felt so empty again. I felt like you're leaving forever and you'll never be back. I never wanted you to leave that stage.

Thank you for doing book signings and being so close to your audience. I remember when I was next in line, my whole body shaking. Thank you for listening to me, for saying that you'll keep the book I made for you safe. Thank you for smiling at me, and for listening to everything I said to you on that day. I'll never forget it. November 17th 2015, you made my whole life by listening to my words and for signing something as simple as a book you wrote. 

So, here I am, 8 in the morning, pouring my heart out. There's so much more I can say, but I feel like I'll just cry even more if I continue.  Just thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know this whole thing is cliche, it's weird, it's pointless. But, sometimes, it's nice to get your feelings out so I decided it's time I write what I've been feeling every single day since I was 13, sitting on my computer, watching my very first video of you. 

Thank you :)

From, Ari 

A/N: imagine soon :) 

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