"Colby!"Gemma yells walking into my room, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey, babe,"I say and she sits next to me on my bed.

"We need to talk,"she says.

"Are you breaking up with me?"I joke.

"No silly,"she giggles,"We need to talk about Sam and Madilyn."

"There's nothing to talk about,"I say.

"W- what do you mean?"she asks.

"I mean that there's nothing to talk about. Madilyn doesn't like Sam anymore,"I shrug.

"How could that be? She just came over to my house crying her eyes out about how Sam doesn't care about her at all,"she says.

"Is that so? Because she left Sam's house without letting him talk to her,"I say.

"That's because she thought he was never going to come out and talk to her,"she says.

"Well he did right after she left,"I say.

"Oh my gosh I have to go tell Madilyn that he doesn't hate her,"she says standing up.

"No baby. We need to keep them away from each other,"I say pulling her back down.

"Why?"she asks.

"Because if Sam dates your friend then his popularity level will drop and so will mine,"I admit.

"What does him being popular have to do with you being popular?"she asks.

"He's the most popular guy in school he's the one that made me popular,"I say.

"But I always thought you were more popular because you boss him around and stuff,"she says confused.

"No,"I shake my head,"He's way more popular and he gets all the girls, not me."

"Oh,"she says kind of disappointed.

"But that's ok because I have you,"I say then kiss her nose.

Madilyn's POV
I just want to die. Nothing good ever happens to me in my life. I'm not even that important to the world so why am I even here?

Things rush through my head as I make cuts in my wrists. I haven't cut in awhile and I forgot the feeling of it completely. It made me feel better. I loved the feeling for the blade dragging across my skin while blood gushes out. I put the blade down and clean up the blood. I walk into my room and jump into my bed. I just got back from Gemma's house and told her everything that happened when I was at Sam's house. After awhile of me telling her about everything she said that she would talk to Colby and then call me to tell me everything he said about Sam and I.

I wait for my phone to ring but it was taking a long time. They better not be making out or something.

As I laid there in my bed while staring at the ceiling my phone begins to vibrate on my nightstand. I picked it up and looked at the caller I.D.

Unknown number

I shrugged and answered it anyways.

"Hello?"I answer.

"Hi is this Madilyn?"the voice asks in a whispering voice.

"Yeah... who's this?"I ask.

"Uh I can't tell you but meet me at the back of the school tomorrow at 3:00,"the voice whispers.

"Umm... ok..."I say.

"Thank you. I gotta go now but I'll see you tomorrow,"the voices rushed out then hung up.

What was that all about?
Hey guys sorry for not updating for like a thousand years but I had really bad writers block with this story but I finally managed to get some ideas. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to update more. But if you're waiting for a chapter in this story I recommend reading Lost while you wait because I update that a lot more. But anyways please vote and comment!

Broken Girl ❥ Sam Golbach ✔Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu