Chapter 29 (Apologies)

Start from the beginning

        "Daddy Kaylyn wants to go home. Please don't let her," she pleaded shakily.

Matthew ground his teeth, not knowing what to say, because he simply could not tell her, he was the cause for her wanting to leave.

The silence in the room was so much that one could hear pin drop of cotton. Matthew glanced at Kaylyn who held her head down and Faith who was still busy throwing things in Kaylyn's suitcase. He finally glanced at Sapphire and saw the tears that trailed down her flushed face, and the way her little lips trembled. She stared at Matthew, unblinkingly as the tears fell, and Matthew instantly knew that if he disappointed his daughter again he wasn't sure she'd forgive him.

Folding his lips, he turned to Kaylyn. "May I have a word with you please?" he asked and saw how Faith paused at that, swirling her head around in curiosity. Privately, Matthew added firmly, his gaze darting to Faith.

Kaylyn was hesitant, but she then nodded, moving towards the door. Matthew took one quick glance at Sapphire, who smiled through her tears. He smiled faintly, moving behind Kaylyn who was standing in the hallway.

Closing the door, he came face to face with her. Her eyes still didn't meet his, and Matthew lightly sighed, moving further down in the passage before he stopped a few inches from his bedroom door.

Clearing his throat, he began. "Kaylyn, I'm sorry", he started. She didn't react to his apology and so he continued. "I shouldn't have done what I did or said what I said," he swallowed, folding his arms.

       "I don't really care about what you said to me," she lied. "It's what you did to Faith," she exclaimed.

Matthew sighed. "I didn't intend to make her fall. Wanting her out of my house however, I will not apologize for," he ground out ruefully.

       "She's my friend- my only friend and if I can't have her over here when I want to, then I'll have to go home. I won't be a prisoner here Mat-"

      "Do you know what your dear old friend said to me?" he blurted, then bit his lips, not wanting to sound harsh.

      "Wh-what?" Kaylyn croaked out before clearing her throat.

Matthew was silent as he contemplated on whether or not he should tell Kaylyn about Faith's accusation. He really wanted to tell her and let her realize that he wasn't the bad guy in the situation, but he pulled back the words because he didn't want Kaylyn to have a quarrel with her best friend. He didn't want to put her through another stressful phase.

So instead, he shook his head. "Never mind that, but Kaylyn please don't leave, I beg of you. Sapphire will be heartbroken and I don't know if I'll be able to handle that," he exclaimed, wanting to mention hers and the baby's well-being, but he knew that would probably only worsen the situation.

       "Matthew I won't live here forever, so at one point Sapphire will have to come to terms with the news," Kaylyn said softly.

      "Kaylyn I'm trying here. I'm really trying to change for my children's sake, so with the consideration of their well-being as well as yours, I'm pleading with you. Please don't leave," he exclaimed softly. "I will make a lot of mistakes, but I'm only human," he completed a bit shakily.

Kaylyn saw the sincerity in his eyes and although she was feeling vulnerable and drained, she knew that what he was saying was true; she understood.

      "If you want to have Faith over, then fine I won't argue with you about it," Matthew added, although he didn't want her around.

Kaylyn stood staring at him for a moment, until she bit her lips, feeling the wave of unexpected emotions that consumed her. She had thought that she had felt hurt and vulnerable when she had left her parents home, but now she felt worst. She had been through a lot in the past weeks and all those emotions settled on her throat, making it burn with the heaviness.

She bit her lips as a tear escaped her eye, and she immediately tried to move- To get away before Matthew saw, but her attempts were unsuccessful as Matthew grabbed her by the arms and pulled her into his.

She didn't try to pull away; she just buried her face in his chest and cried. Matthew held her close and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head while his hand busied itself with massaging her back. He understood how she might have felt, and what woman wouldn't feel that way after everything she had gone through. He knew that he was partially to be blamed for some of her hurt, but he was going to try his very best to make it up to her.

Matthew knew that they had a long way to go, but he also knew that with every success story, there was a beginning.


Hey guys!!! *waves*

Who's happy Kaylyn is staying?

I hope you enjoyed that chapter. I also really appreciate the feedback I got from the previous one. Some of you were so passionate about your opinions and that warms my heart. I can't really express how thankful I am for you guys, but please know that I am.

We were ranked #37 on the hotlist, and boy I was over the moon. So thank you guys!!!!

Next update: Sunday (I'll work on a double ;))

Until next time...
Laters baby

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