Dinner YUM!

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I chose to stay with Carter and Jerome that night. Mitch would've been a little too soon. But I decided to still attend the dinner.

Carter picked out one of her dresses for me to wear. It was a sleeveless, silky royal purple and went up to the middle of my thighs. With the dress, I wore sparkly tan heels. Carter chose a strapless creme dress that also went up to her thighs, and had ruffles all over it. She wore it with silver heels. While Carter and I were putting on our makeup, Jerome, a black tux, sneaked into the bathroom.

"Oh. Carter! You look dazzling!" Jerome announced.

Carter spun around and stared at him, "You weren't supposed to see me yet! It was a surprise!"

"And Ray, you look pretty too. Mitch is gonna like it."

I smirked, "Yeah."

As soon as we were finished, Jerome took Carter's hand and they went to their car. I followed behind.

Once Jerome, Carter, and I arrived at the restaurant, we immediately noticed Brooke, in a long, flowing and silky white dress, and Jason, in a matching white suit, waiting.

Jerome helped Carter of the car, while I had to open the door myself. We met up with Brooke and Jason.

"Are you guys the first ones?" I asked them. Brooke nodded.

Another car pulled up. Jordan, in a black tux, helped Lexi, who was wearing a short, frilly pink dress, out of his car.

"Hey guys," Jordan and Lexi ran up, "Are we late?"

"Nope," Jerome told the couple, "Early, actually. Everyone else is super late."

Seto, in a black suit, and Kae, in a long blue dress, arrived soon afterwards. They had carpooled with Tyler and Megan, since both of them were staying in the same hotel. Tyler wore a light blue tux, with Megan in a long-sleeved, short white dress. After them came Allison, in a purple dress similar to mine, but cotton instead of silk, and Johnny, wearing a black suit. Light, in a short black strapless dress, came with an unfamiliar boy wearing a blue suit, a few shades darker than Tyler's. He had brown hair with black streaks and midnight blue eyes to match his suit.

"Hi," Light said, "This is Blake Shard. He's super nice." Blake smiled at Light, who was arm in arm with him.

Jerome shook his hand, "Awesome to meet you. I'm Jerome. My girlfriend Carter, and our friends Ray, Tyler, Megan, Seto, Kae, Jordan, Lexi, Brooke, Jason, Johnny, and Allison. There's more coming, but they're all late."

A few minutes later, Ty arrived in a black tux, with Crystal, in a light blue dress, by his side. Mat, in a black suit, and Poppy, in a floral sleeveless dress, had carpooled. Kermit, in a green suit, and Cloude, in a long light pink dress, showed up, followed by Ryan, in a black tux, with Emma, in a blue strapless dress. Ian, in a black suit, and Zee, in a matching black short-sleeved dress, came last. Mitch and Adam were still nowhere to be seen.

"Let's get a table," Ryan suggested. Everyone besides me agreed.

"But Mitch and Adam aren't here yet," I argued, "Shouldn't we wait for them."

"We won't eat yet. We can wait for them at the table. It's getting kind of late anyways," Lexi replied.

I recognized Adam's car pull up in the parking lot. He exited the car in a black suit and met up with Jerome, Carter, and I.

"Is everyone here? Am I late?" Adam asked, panting.

"Not everyone. Mitch still has to come," I told him.

Jordan and Ryan led all of the others inside to reserve a table. Adam and I were the only ones left outside.

"So, what is it like?" Adam queried.

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