Like a Movie

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Most of the large objects in my room had been stored wrapped in shipping plastic. They were being shipped to Los Angeles in a few days and taken to the new house. The couples that would be joining us in the new house were Mitch and I, Adam and Fia, Carter and Jerome, Ian and Zee, Quentin and Sapphire, Ty and Crystal, Jason and Brooke, and Logdotzip (Log). Megan, Tyler, Jordan, Lexi, Ryan, Emma, and some of the others would live in LA, but in a different house or apartment. As long as Mitch was by my side, I would be happy.

There was a knock at my bedroom door. In the process of packing clothes into a large suitcase, I groaned and unlocked the door to my room. Ian stood at the door.

"Can I help you?" I questioned, confused.

Ian nodded and leaned into my ear. He begun in a whisper, "Quentin and Dakota. Water guns in the living room. They want a battle and no one else is here."

"Why is no one here?!"

"Preston and Mitch went to the store. The girls went somewhere else... I have no idea where."

"They left without me...?"

"But Ray! I need your help! Please please please be on my team!"

I growled but stood my ground, "Fine. As long as I get the larger water gun."

Ian maintained a straight expression, "Deal." We sneaked out into a hallway and tiptoed approximately halfway down the stairs. The first thing that caught my eye was the large barricade of empty cardboard boxes that surrounded two bodies belonging to Quentin and Dakota.

"What the frick?" I whispered to Ian, "What'd they do with my boxes?"

Ian shrugged and continued down the stairs alone, eventually running and picking up two medium sized water guns lying in a clear five by five foot area.

Then it came. Water poured into his face and clothes as Ian raced back to me on the staircase. When he returned, his whole body was soaked.

"Well... good thing Mitch and I are moving," I thought to myself. Turning to Ian, I nodded and started up the stairs to grab him a towel. Instead of letting me leave, Ian pulled back on my sleeve and pointed to Dakota, who I spotted through a crack in the boxes. His sight was set directly on me.

"Be very quiet," Ian told me, taking occasional glances at the frog, "You can go upstairs, but the towel won't help. They have water guns too."

"You don't think I already know that?"

Someone knocked on the front door. My heartbeat raced. If I was to answer the door, I would get sprayed. But if I didn't… I would be screwed either way. I sighed and ran to answer. Ian gasped as Dakota and Quentin sprayed my whole entire outfit. Once I reached the door, I shook off excess water and grumpily opened it, frowning. Preston stood at the doorway, happily grinning. That is, until he saw my angry expression and soaked clothes.

"What happened to you?" he asked, confused. I pointed straight towards the pile of boxes surrounding Dakota and Quentin. Water dripped from my shirt onto the hardwood flooring.

"Ugh… I'll talk to them…"

Ian shouted from across the room, "Preston! Don't!"

My brother gave a strange look to Ian, ultimately ignoring it.

"Hey, where's Mitch?" I questioned Preston, feeling a bit more relaxed than before.

"Right here," a faint voice grumbled. In came a figure carrying a giant load of boxes that looked like they were heavy. I knew the figure was Mitch.

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