Love Conquers All

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A man in a business suit walked out onto the stage with an envelope in his hands.

"Hello everyone. My name is John Lunar, owner of Luna Motel, and I am pleased to announce the winner of this year's annual Spotlight Talent Show."

He slowly opened the envelope and pulled out a sheet of paper.

"The winner is… Rachael Anderson and Mitchell Hughes!"

Backstage, I jumped up and down in Mitch's arms, and pulled him with me to accept the prize. John Lunar, Avery's dad, handed us a wad of 500 dollars and pointed us backstage yet again.

All of Team Crafted and their girlfriends, except for Carter, congratulated us. 

Jade came up to me in her wheelchair, "Congrats Ray. You deserved it."

"Well," I told her, "You deserved it too. You were really good."

"Thank you. I have to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"I'm leaving."


"I got accepted to a college for the blind. They're gonna help me to see again. So when I come back, I won't have this problem anymore. No more getting hit by cars."

"Oh my god. Congratulations!"

"This will be my last time being with you before I can actually see you for who you are."

"Honestly, looks don't matter. It's what's on the inside that counts."

"Good for you. You figured that out before most people. You'll do good." As Jade wheeled away, Team Crafted came up to us one by one, also saying their goodbyes, for they were heading back to their respective colleges. They told us that they were coming back in around six months for an important event. With no clue what the event was, I also said my goodbyes to them as well. Megan and Tyler came last, followed by Adam.

"Bye Ray!" Megan smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back, "It was nice meeting you!"

"You too!" I replied.

Adam and I eventually came face to face once Megan and Tyler left.

"So…" he begun.


"You happy to be back?"

"Sure I am. It's great to be back with Mitch, Jerome, and Carter."


"And you. I wasn't sure if you caught that."

"I always catch things like that."

"Sure you do."

"I think you've got a bit of a problem there."

Adam pointed to a group of chairs. I glanced over to see Carter leaning on a table, pouting. I waved to Adam.

"Hey," I said while walking up and sitting next to her, "I'm sorry."

"Why? We worked so hard…"

"I didn't really like Radioactive. You could have performed it yourself."

"But I needed a singer."

Mitch came up, "I know Megan and Brooke were looking for somewhere to sing. You could've asked them."

Carter looked up at him, "Really?"

"Really, really. And there's something else that I need to do for my bacca buddy…"

Jerome arrived behind Carter and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to notice Jerome getting on his right knee with a small magenta velvet box in his hands. As he opened it to reveal a expensive diamond ring, he asked, "Carter, will you marry me?"

Carter leaned down and kissed Jerome, "Of course! Why would I say no!"

"Haven't you already proposed to her?" I questioned.

"Actually he didn't. I thought he was, so we kept on telling others that we were engaged."

"Well, good for you."

I smiled at my friend's happiness, but did not notice Mitch wink at his friend. Jerome motioned for me to look behind my shoulder. I found Mitch, on his right knee, glancing up into my eyes, a velvet box in his hands.

I had no idea that this moment would have come so soon. I knew that Carter's would come eventually, but me? It had been a week since I returned. There were issues that had to be solved. There were people that I needed to deal with. But I couldn't help but think that Mitch and I would be perfect together.

Back to reality, I gasped and placed my palms over my mouth as Mitch opened the box to reveal another diamond ring. I examined it first and realized that the words Rachael and Mitch were inscribed on the ring itself. As I begun to cry, Mitch asked the life-changing words.

"Rachael Anderson, will you marry me?"

I nodded, crying and leapt into his arms.

Living on a Few Wishes //BajanCanadianxOC Fanfiction//Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora