Day at the Mall

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The next morning, I called up Carter. She instantly picked up the call.

"Hey," she demanded, "Where have you been?"


"Oh. What'd you do?"

"Nothing… Oh! No! Carter, don't think that!"

She chuckled and concluded, "Well, have Mitch drive you to my place. We have to go shopping. What you wore yesterday at the meet-up was not acceptable."

"Whatever you say."

Mitch woke up not long after the call. He yawned and stretched his arm around my neck. I glanced back at him, rolling my eyes.

"What?" he groaned, rubbing his eyes with his other hand.

"Nothing," I replied, grinning, "Can you drive me back to Carter and Jerome's? I'm gonna go shopping…"

"Can I come?"


"Why not?"

"No. Girl's day out. No boys allowed," I joked.


I chuckled and grabbed my dress from last night, still wearing Mitch's shirt and pants.

"I'll see you around Mitch," I said, opening the door. He stood beside it, grinning. Before I exited, he kissed me. I smiled and let Mitch close the door behind himself.

Two minutes later, we arrived at Carter and Jerome's. They met us outside.

"Wanna play some Minecraft while the girls are out?" Jerome asked Mitch.

"Sure biggums." Mitch smirked, winked at me, and followed Jerome inside.

Carter scanned what I wore. "Really? Mitch's clothes?"

"I had nothing else!"

"You get to borrow mine while we're go shopping. But after today… no more."

"Whatever you say. Fashion isn't really my main point anymore."

"It was in high school."

"That was high school. I was popular and had to deal with that heart disease. Now I feel like that's all disappeared. Good thing too."

"You didn't like being popular?"

I thought about it for a moment, "Not really. It was nice while it lasted though. But if I could to choose to redo it, I would be like you were. Outcast. Misunderstood. Better than being stuck-up."

"I would never be popular either. If I was, I wouldn't have Jerome."

"You got that right. I would still be with Caleb." I paused, "Ew."

"Let's get you changed."

"Can I wear Mitch's jacket? You wore Jerome's yesterday."


Carter smiled and we entered her house. She and I rushed up the stairs to the bedroom she shared with Jerome. Carter strolled through her walk-in closet and pulled out a long-sleeved orange V-neck shirt attached to a gray and white striped three quarter-sleeved V-neck sweater. She also gave me jean shorts and begun to slightly curl my hair.

"We're gonna get you some nice looking clothes for Mitch," she told me.

"Well then… I don't think he cares…"

"I don't think so either," Carter smirked and put down the curling iron, "Get these on."

A few minutes later, I exited Carter's bathroom wearing the clothes that she had given me. She handed me a few bracelets to strap around my wrists. We grabbed our purses and headed down the stairs to Carter's car.

"Good luck with your games!" Carter called out.

"Okay Carter!" Jerome replied, "I'll win fo ma Betty!"

Carter giggled.

"Betty?" I asked, confused.

"I'm his diamond axe. It's his nickname for me."


A few minutes later, Carter and I arrived at the local mall. We went around to several shops. She made me try on clothes and if they worked, we would buy them. This went on for a couple hours until we started to get hungry. As soon as we finished eating sushi, which we bought for lunch, Carter and I sat down for a small break. Several workmen pulled out a platform and placed it in the middle of the large area near the benches. A man in a business brought out a sign and placed it next to the platform. Once all of the men had left the area, Carter and I walked over to see what it was.

"Talent Show this Saturday. Any ages suitable. Must be something that can be done onstage. No twerking," Carter read. She rolled her eyes and looked at me, "Who would twerk for a talent show?"

"I have no idea."

"Wanna enter?"

"Okay. But what are we gonna do?"

"You on mic and me on violin."

"No… my singing days are over. That's what college was for…"

Carter stared at me.

"What?" I questioned.

"You have to. You've got to show off to Ashley and Allison that you don't want them to mess with you."

"By singing?"

"Yep. I'm sure they'll enter too."

"How are you sure?"

I heard her singing in the restroom yesterday. She didn't even notice…"



"Sure. I'll do it."


I smiled and let Carter drag me to her car. Ready to sing? Not really.

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