CHAPTER 4 - The First Two Months

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CHAPTER 4 - The First Two Months

Already two months in at Parsons, Carlie has been feeling the pressure of being an Everett. Teachers, professors, deans and her peers expect her to be great just like her father and brother.

But other than that, Carlie is doing fine in school. People are now getting used to seeing her but sometimes they're still shocked that she's in Parsons. But on the upside, today marks the long weekend, she and her friends planned to reunite for a night out on the town.

"Thanks, Derrick! I'll email you my paper as soon as I go home." Carlie said to her group mate before leaving Parsons. Then while walking, Carlie's phone rings. "Hello?" She answered. "Where are you right now?" Tiffany asked. "I'm still at school, Tiff. I'm about to leave though. I'm so tired." Carlie replied. "Guess who I just saw at Nick's penthouse?" She asked. Carlie sighs, "Who?" She asked and went in her town car.

"Garrett." Tiffany answered.

Carlie was surprised by her answer. She took a minute to process what Tiffany had just said. She hasn't heard from him since that night they officially broke up.

But in all honesty, Carlie hasn't thought about Garrett all that much since they parted ways. She's been so focused in school that she hasn't got time to think about Garrett and the remains of their friendship or relationship.

"Carlie? Hello?" Tiffany asked. "Hey, I'm sorry. I just spaced out. What did you say again?" Carlie asked. "Garrett and Adam are in town! Remember we were gonna go out tonight?" Tiffany replied. "I thought it was just gonna be me, you and Brooke?" Carlie replied. "The whole gang's back!" Tiffany said.

"Wow!" Carlie reacted. "Are you okay?" Tiffany asked. "Yeah, I'm fine." She replied. "Alright, I'll see you later. Nick is taking me out to dinner." Tiffany replied. "Okay! Bye!" Carlie said and then dropped the call.

As she looked out from her car window, she thought of Garrett. She immediately found herself shaking her head and smiling at the same time.

A couple of minutes later, she arrives at her house. She thanks her driver, Gilbert and goes in. Then she goes upstairs to her room and passed out on her bed.

About an hour later, she looks at her phone and saw that Brooke was calling. "Hello?" She answers. "Where are you?" Brooke asked. "I'm at home!" Carlie said. "The boys and I are at Walker's Bistro eating. You should come!" Brooke said excitedly. "I don't think I'll get ready by then. I'll see you guys tonight, okay?" She said. "Okay, suit yourself." Brooke replied. "See you! Mwah!" Carlie said and dropped the call.

She goes down the stairs and decided to cook food for herself. While cooking, she texts on the phone with Michelle and her other friends. When suddenly, the doorbell rings. So she goes to open the door.

"May I help you?" She asked the quite attractive nerdy looking guy in glasses and wearing a snowcap and flannel shirt, jeans and sneakers and carried a backpack. Carlie waited for him to answer but he looked like he was stunned to see her. Carlie snapped her fingers and the guy shook his head and then decided to finally speak.

"Uhm, I'm Kevin." He said nervously. "Okay, what do you want?" She asked. "Uhm, this is Tiffany's house right?" He asked. "Why? What do you want with her?" Carlie asked. "I'm her classmate and we were paired up in class to work on an assignment." He said. "Really?" Carlie asked skeptical.

"Yeah, we both study journalism at NYU..." He trailed off. Carlie nodded and needed more proof so Kevin showed her Tiffany's text of their address. "Okay, I believe you. But Tiffany isn't here. Come back tomorrow." Carlie said in an annoyed tone. "Oh okay, thanks." Kevin said and started to leave.

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