Chapter 30

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Chapter 30- Jake

About a week later

Roxy slammed the door shut behind her and sighed. "Hello?" she called. I looked around at the safehouse that I never thought I would live to see and listened for a voice.


Where were they? Roxy had promised me that Jane was here. She didn't lie to me, did she?

But when I looked over at her, she looked just as worried as I was. "Hello?" she called again, louder this time. Again, there was no answer.

"Where are they, Roxy?" I asked.

"I... I don't know." She dropped her bag down at the door and ran up the stairs to go find them. I gulped. They couldn't be dead... could they?

"Nobody up here!" I heard from upstairs.

I pushed open the door to the kitchen and walked inside, to unsurprisingly find it empty. I opened up the fridge and saw that there was nothing inside, just as Roxy came in.

"There's nothing in here," I said.

"Yeah, we were low on food when I left, that's why I had to go hunting."

"Maybe they went hunting too when they ran out of food?"

"I hope so," she sighed.

I set my backpack down on the table and sat down. "So now what, do we just wait for them to get back?" I asked.

"I guess... but Jake?" she asked nervously.


"When I told you Jane was here; I didn't say anything about Dirk. You know that, right? I mean, I hope he made it here, but I really don't know.


She didn't have to remind me. It was a long time ago that she had made that promise, and I had a long time to think about it. Even though I had faith that Dirk could make it on his own, I was aware of the very real possibility that he was dead. I was extremely disappointed that he wasn't here, but I wasn't that shocked.

"I know," I said.

An awkward pause followed, but Roxy was eager to break it. "It's okay, I'm sure both of them will turn up. In the meantime, let's do something fun! There's a pack of cards and some board games in the closet upstairs if you want!"

"Board games? What is this, everything useful is mysteriously missing, but anything that can't actually help us in any way is everywhere!" I said.

She laughed. "Apparently. Anyway, I'll go grab something."

I raised an eyebrow. Is this really the best use of our time?

Apparently she could read my mind. "What, you got any better ideas?"

I sighed and followed her upstairs.


A couple days later, there was still no sign of Jane or Dirk. We were starting to get really worried, but of course Roxy managed to distract the both of us with more obscure card games than I thought even existed. We were sitting cross-legged on the floor in the middle of our third round of "Psychological Jujitsu" when Roxy suddenly held up a hand and told me to shut up.

"Do you hear that?" she asked.

I listened closely, but I didn't hear anything. After a moment of me looking at her like she was crazy, he stood up off the floor and grabbed my arm to pull me up. "Ow, Roxy what are you doing?!" I said, rubbing the bruised scar on my shoulder.

"Oh yeah that, sorry! But come here!" she whispered.

What is she going on about? I begrudgingly stood up and followed her to the front door. "What is it?!"

"Can't you hear that?"

"Hear what?!"

"Wow, your hearing sucks!" she pushed me into the door and squished my head against it.

"Roxy! What the-"

"Shut up and listen!"

I listened for a moment just to humor her, but then I heard what she was talking about: Two muffled voices arguing down the street.

"We've been out here for so long, come on, let's go back!"

"No, it's only been a couple of hours!"

"But this is so boring! We haven't found any more survivors yet, anybody who's left is probably dead!"

"Shut up Vriska! Even I can see you're just being lazy!"

Vriska? Were those the trolls?

"Can you tell who it is? All I can hear is mumbling," Roxy said.

I moved away from the door and ran into the kitchen to grab my things. "I think it's some of the trolls! They're looking for survivors!" I called.

She gasped. "I'll pack up the cards, let's go!"

"Forget the stupid cards, we can't miss them!" I said. But when I got back to the door, she was already standing there with her backpack slung over her shoulder, a gun in her hand, and the box of cards sticking out of her back pocket.

I didn't have enough time to ask her why she brought them. I grabbed the knob and swung open the door.

Down the street we could already see two pairs of orange horns sticking up out of the crowd. We ran towards them as fast as we could, pushing past the few zombies that were on our street.

"Hey!" Roxy cried out as we slowed to a stop in front of the pair of troll girls. One of them was wearing a yellow Light shirt and had on what looked like sunglasses with one of the lenses popped out. Her arms were crossed over her chest and she looked very indifferent about having found us. I recognized her instantly as Vriska. The other girl wore a teal Mind shirt and glasses tinted red. She wasn't looking at us, but she was smiling in our direction. I guessed she was the blind one I had heard about.

"Oh, it's you," Vriska said with audible disappointment. I ignored her and turned to the girl who was still beaming at the... scent?... Of us.

"You guys are here!" Roxy said.

"Yeah, all the trolls woke up here a while ago! We've been running a safehouse in this huge hotel and looking for survivors, and it sounds like you two are the last ones," the girl said, "whoever you are."

"I'm Jake and this is Roxy," I said, holding my hand out to her. She seemed confused for a moment then shook it.

"Terezi Pyrope," she said.

Suddenly I realized something and my heart stopped. "Wait, did you say we were the last two?" I asked. She nodded. "Are Dirk and Jane at the safe house?"

She thought for a minute. "Girl with short hair and pointy glasses guy?" She asked.

No way. "That's them!" I grinned. I'm actually going to see Dirk again!

Roxy looked ecstatic too. "Let's go!"

Vriska and Terezi started leading us back to the safehouse. Finally, I thought, trying to hold back a smile. I had been so excited to meet up with everyone, and when I got bitten I eventually accepted that it wasn't going to happen. Now I had the chance to see them, and there was no way I was going to let that chance slip away again.

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