Chapter 29

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Chapter 29- Sollux


The trees cast shadows on the path ahead, only making my fading vision darker as I ran as far as I could from Aradia. My breathing was turning into short shallow gasps, and every muscle in my body was weakening with every step I took. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't have been able to stay moving, but now I was determined to keep running. I had to get as much distance from Aradia as possible. I couldn't let her get hurt again.

Finally, I reached a point where I really couldn't go any more. I slowed to a stop and stumbled over to a large rock next to a tree. Dropping myself onto the rock and leaning against the tree, I prayed that she wouldn't catch up, but I knew she would be able to quickly follow the trail of dark yellow blood staining the grass all the way to this spot where it was starting to pool around me. The woods were crawling with zombies, but they didn't seem to notice I was there. It was like they thought I was one of them. Maybe they could sense death.

My head was pounding and my memories were becoming fuzzy, so I took a minute to go over what had happened so I wouldn't forget.

I was dying. There was a bad bite in my shoulder that I had gotten the day before when we were surrounded by zombies and having a hard time fighting them off. But the part about it that made it unbelievable wasn't that the two of us got into that situation. It was that I had known it was going to happen.

Well it wasn't exactly that I knew it was going to happen. But once the circle of zombies began closing in around us, I realized that what was happening was exactly what happened in the reoccurring dream I had a couple days ago. Sure enough, the same situation unfolded before me. I had some sort of weird hallucination, pushed Aradia out of the way, and got bitten.

After that, Aradia managed to pull me out. I told her to leave so she wouldn't get hurt, but she insisted on staying with me until I died. I humored her for a while, but then when I felt like I didn't have much time left, I ran. I didn't want her to see me at the end of my life, and even though I knew she was strong enough to kill me, I was still worried that she would get hurt.

But now that I couldn't run anymore, there was nothing else I could do to keep her safe. I had to just sit here and wait until it was over.

Suddenly the choking feeling in my throat grew even worse and I started coughing. I knew then that I only had a couple minutes left. I could barely breathe; I could barely move. My vision of the woods in front of me blurred until it was almost unrecognizable.

This was it. It was all over. I was about to die. But at least Aradia was-


Aradia was here. No! I opened my mouth to tell her to leave before it was too later, but no sound came out. She was frozen in place, her hand outstretched towards me but a look of misery and horror on her face. Please Aradia. Leave. I can't let you get hurt. But she couldn't hear me. I wasn't even sure if she knew that I could see her.

Suddenly my vision blurred so that I couldn't make out anything. After a moment it sharpened again, but everything was different. The ghostly blue shapes from before were back. But I didn't care. I was too focused on the shape of Aradia walking closer and reaching towards me. She was glowing a brighter blue than everything else, and she reminded me of an angel. A beautiful angel coming to guide me peacefully towards my death.

But it wasn't an angel, it was just Aradia. Although she was no less stunning than an angel, the tears rolling down her cheeks did nothing but make me make me see the nightmare of her crying because of me.

I could feel my body giving up, but my mind was still holding on by a thread. I had to tell her to get out of here before I turned. But after trying again and again without success, I accepted that it was too late. She really wanted to be with me when I died, and whatever the consequences were, I couldn't stop her.

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