Chapter 22- Epilogue

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One year into the furture.......

It was almost time for the wedding to start. All the preparations were done, every detail was set to perfection. The wedding was going to be held in the mansion that the festival was held in.

Martin had proposed to Victoria Six months after they became mates. Thats when Traice and Mike had the grandest idea to do a double wedding.

Vikki and Martin agreed to the idea. Traice and Vikki pick the wedding colors and theme. They choose the colors black, white and red, the theme was renaissance and the flower were red roses and red orchids in elegant boutiques.

The center pieces were 12in slender glass vases, filled with water and floating rose and ochrid petals.

Vikki's wedding dress:

Vikki's wedding dress:

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Traice's wedding dress:

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Traice's wedding dress:

As every one took their seats they could not help but, admire each and every detail

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As every one took their seats they could not help but, admire each and every detail. It was truly magnificent.

Alpha Amos Blackwood as the head of all the Alphas would officiate the ceremony. The two couples were truly honoured that he would be doing so.

As Traice and Vikki with the help of mothers were just finishing up getting ready.

"You both look absolutely stunning." Vikki's Mom commented with happy tears in her eyes.

"I agree Amy they are truly beautiful."

"Thanks Mom, Mrs. Andrews."

"Yes thank you both."

At that moment their was a knock at the door it was Alpha Samuel and Mr. Andrews. As both entered they were completely taken back by how beautiful their daughters looked.

""Its Time." Alpha Samuel said with happy tears.

Both girls then took there fathers by the arm and walked to the great hall, towards there furture.

Toward their mates both in black suits with red ties. Both with vert large smiles on their faces.

This was their path to a furture filled with love, joy and life long happiness, that they would enjoy with their mates, side by side for the rest if their lifes for many, many years to come.

The End.

Thank you so much for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Please follow me so that you can stay turned for more books to come!

To all my readers with love,


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