Chapter 17

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It was now time to help setup for the festival. The Lunas and there daughters gathered in the mansion's great hall to decorate. Others helped in the kitchen cooking all sorts of different dishes from all over the world.

The Alphas, their sons and betas were setting up security measures for the rest of the week. They would take shifts each night in groups of 150-300 for each night.

Vikki, Cindy, Tracie and Luna Amy were among those decorating in the great hall. Including Luna Riggs. This wasn't a problem for either one of them.

Luna Amy and Luna Riggs had all ready made peace with each other secretly without their husbands's knowledge.

They had maintained a private friendship through text and email. Never in person for fear of what might happen and what their husbands would say.

A silent friendship. Thats how it needed to stay until there was peace.

That day was today and no one knew it, but the Moongoddes, her husband and the werewolf council it happen that night. The festival would start at exactly at 7pm. It was almost 1pm time for a break and lunch.

Lunch was held in a very large pavilion outside with food and drinks laid out on the tables.

Vikki, Tracie, Cindy, and Luna Amy, were on their way to the pavilion when they run into Alpha Samuel, Mike and Patrick.

Mike immediately made this way towards Traice. And said in a low seductive voice with a smirk,

"I never got my kiss this morning, darling angel smooch me now please."

"Oh Mike come here." she said blushing.

And with that she kissed his lips tenderly.

Alpha Samuel made his was to his wife Amy and pulled her into this arms and held her close. He loved his wife so and loved having her close.
He then gentely lifted her chin and kissed her lips.

"Too much kissing I going to the pavilion. Ugh." Cindy said as she walked over to get some lunch.

Vikki and Patrick joined her also.

Thats when Patrick froze and grabbed both Vikki's and Cindy's hands walking back towards their parents.

"What's going on Patrick?" Vikki asked.

"Too many unmated males and no females at all."

"Can't you protect us?"

"I'm just a beta, I have no choice but to obey an Alpha or a higher ranking male from any pack. The last thing I need is you and Cindy getting unwanted attention. It would be better if your dad and Mike came with us. Since they are both Alphas."

Vikki started to understand were Patrick was coming from. She appreciated his protectiveness at times like theses.

As they walked back to their parents and Mike. Alpha Samuel asked why and Patrick explained.

"Alright Patrick thank you for protecting my girls."

"Your welcome Alpha Jackson."

And with that they all made their way to the lunch pavilion.

Unaware of what was in store for tonight's festivities..............

Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for reading.

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