Chapter 8

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Before Vikki began packing she decided to made list of what she would need to bring. After all, they would be gone sunday. She then pulled out a small note pad from her dresser drawer and started to write:

Toothbrush/toothpaste/ toiletries

2 pairs of skinny jeans in colors: dark wash and mint green

3 shirts/tanktops colors: white, light pink with floral print and mint green with white strips.

Several pairs of bras and underwear

2 pairs of converse white and black

Several pairs of socks

1 pair of black heels

3 dresses one for each night of the festival, colors all knee length: cream, red, black and white

Curling and straighting irons

"Ok I'm ready to pack" Vikki thought to herself. She then gathered everything on the list and started to pack her suitcase. She left some clothes out so she woukd shower in the morning and not have to worry about finding something. She then heard.

"Vikki are you finished!? I need help!"

"Yes Cindy, I'm coming!"

She then made her way to Cindy's room which was just down the hall on the righ. As she walked in she asked

"What do you need Sis?"

"Can you help me pack? I've all ready packed toiletries and undergraments. I just can't decide what clothes to bring."

"Ok dont we see what you want and make a list and then you can start packing."

"Alright sounds good to me."

Vikki and Cindy then started to write things out if what Cindy wanted to bring. Vikki always enjoyed helping her little sisiter. She just turned 16 and had yet, to shift. Vikki knew that Cindy was looking forward to shifting just not the pain.

"Ok I think were good thanks Vikki."

"No problem Sis."

"Is it hot in her or is it just me?"

"Wait your hot? Are you in pain?"

"A little bi....OUCH!"


Their father came running into the room, picked up Cindy, mindlink his wife and son and headed outside with Vikki.
Once outside he laid a screaming Cindy in the grass and asked Vikki to remove her clothes so they would not tear. Both his wife and son were now outside. Vikki's mom had a blanket with her for when Cindy shifted back into her Human form.

It had been a few seconds and Cindy was still in the process of shifting.
She was in an immense amount of pain with her bones breaking and changing.

"Is she going to be ok dad?"

"Yes Vikki she's almost finished with the shift."

The rest of the pack started to gather around watching and waiting. After. About 2mins Cindy was in her wolf form. She was a small light brown wolf with streaks of blonde in her fur. Everyone stayed quite as Alpha Samuel spoke to Cindy,

"Cindy how do you feel?"

"Fine, I'm ok."

"Good, now try and walk around a bit and get used to your wolf. Vikki shift and go with her, but stay in our territory and dont wonder off."

Vikki then went behind a tree removed her clothes and shifted into her white wolf with black tips on her ears and black paws. It was like she was wearing socks. She gave her clothes to her mother. And then walked out towards her sister, who was eager to walk around.

Both girls soon were off and about. Playing and enjoying themselves. They did this for am hour or so and then headed home.

Soon after they all ate dinner as a family with Traice and her parents. They all agreed that they would drive up to the festival together in Luna Amy's Big Van it would be easier then taking 2 cars. Soon after Traice's parents left leaving Traice to spend the night. Mike was very happy about this.
"Tonight I get to hold you in my arms and watch you dream, my sweet Traice." he whispered in her ear.
Traice then smiled has her checks turn bright red.

"I'm getting kind of sleepy, I'm going to bed. Care to join me Traice my angel?" Mike asked with a smile.

This only made Traice blush even more!

"Alright Mikey."

As sound as she said that he picked her pick bridal style and walked to bed his bedroom.

The action made his family laugh hysterically.

Pretty soon they all went to bed. Vikki however, was thinking about the festival and about finding her mate..........

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time readers.

The Lonely HeartOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz