Chapter 15

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Martin's POV:

Martin work up at 6pm after a 3hr nap, that was much needed. He decided to make his way to the kitchen to get something to eat but not before putting on a white T-shirt. As he walked into the kitchen he could see that Steven was already awake watching Blue Bloods on Netflix sitting on the couch.

"Hey look who's finally awake." Steven said sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny. I'm going to make a sandwhich you want something."

"No thanks, I already ate."


Martin replied as he continued to make his sandwitch.

Once he was finished he joined Steven on the couch watching Netflix. Blue Bloods was their favorite show to watch together and blow of some steam.

Martin then asked his brother, "So any girls in your interested in lately?"

"Yes, but I don't want to talk about. It won't happen anyway.

"Why not? Your a good guy and you would make a good husband one day."

" I know those things and she does too but, her dad is kinda of the problem in both a postive and negative way.

"Wait....Kelly, Alpha Williams daughter? Of the Blueshdaow pack?

"Yes, boy is she beautiful."

"Steven there's something I need to tell you, but you have to swear you will not tell mom or dad not yet at least."

"Ok I won't say anything."

"You remember how I said that Mike was at Alpha training."

"Yes I remember why?"

"Well, we sort of got to know each other and after while we became friends. And we found out that we actually have alot in common. We planned that after each of us become alpha that we would write up a peace tready for both our packs."

"Wow Martin thats great. We need to make sure dad has no idea."

"I know right. Its really hard for me not to tell them the truth, but I know they will never really understand."

"Yeah your right. One day Martin there will be peace."

"I hope so Steven, I hope so."

Vikki's POV:

Once Vikki fled the kitchen after Mike and Traice's little episode. She finished her sandwich in the living room as was watching Criminal Minds.

Vikki just loved waching Criminal Minds, her favorite character was Dr. Spencer Reed. She loved how smart he sounded at times while at the same time trying not to talk to much.

After she finished the episode, Vikki decided to go for a walk around the property just to get some fresh air.

After making sure Mike and Traice were not kissing. She left a note on the fridge telling her parents what she was doing.

Vikki then walked out the door and started to walk around. She notice some of the younger children playing hide and seek in the woods. Vikki smiled remembering how her and Cindy used to play the same game.

Vikki did notice that the Riggs family's car was parked infront of their house. She hoped that they could keep the peace between them and that each pack would learn to forgive the other. But such thoughts seemed like a dream that would never come true.......

Or so she thought.

Thanks for reading more to come soon.

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