Chapter 7- History Repeats Itself

Start from the beginning

i looked back over to Danny who was already standing again. 

"I should probably get to class." I told him. I could feel the heat coming off my face.

"Yeah, yeah. Um.. me too." He ran his fingers through his hair and then stepped out of the dorm. "I wish you luck with your hat issue and I'm sorry I couldn't be more help. I'll see you at supper." Then he left and I was stuck with not one but two problems now. My hat and the fact that I've never kissed a guy and don't really think I know how.

Logan's POV 

After my little incident with Louise I decided it was time to get back at her the best way I know how. Those stupid bunny ears. 

The day after Louise put the egg in my chair I walked to the Chancellors office and told him a little story about how students keep sneaking things into my class by hiding them in their hats. This isn't a complete lie. One guy did sneak  a candy bar in yesterday, but he is the only one. Either way he believed me and this morning I got an email saying hats in any classrooms are not allowed. And since Mr.Lawson is taking a personal day that leaves me in charge.

After a few frustrating conversations the day ended in my favor. 

Louise's POV

I have looked absolutely ridiculous all day. I couldn't figure out what to about the hat rule, so I dug around in River's stuff until I found a bleach blond wig. My plan was to wear it until my last class where it won't matter that I have my ears on because it's Logan. 

My professor from my second to last class had to leave early so we all got out early too. I went ahead and walked to Mr. Lawson's room. I was about to go in when I heard Logan on the phone with someone.

"I understand. i just don't really think it is going to work out."

(Muffled voice from phone)

"I don't think you understand. I don't want to do this anymore you are just not my..."

(Muffled screaming)

"Okay, Okay. So I'll see you tomorrow and we can talk about it then."

Seems like Logan is having girl troubles. I couldn't help but laugh at the thought.

I heard his phone slam onto the table and his body slamming into his chair. He grunted in anger and began walking over to the door. I had to think fast so I ran down the hall a bit and started walking back to the door. I'm hoping it looked like I was just getting there and I hadn't been spying on Logan. Logan opened the classroom door and propped it open with a chair.

"Hello. Are you a new...oh. Louise I thought you were a new student with the hair and all. By the way you are not a good blonde." He had a smug smile on his face. I just rolled my eyes and walked into the class room. Logan followed and sat at his desk. I opened my bag and pulled out my ears.I slid them on over the wig and then pulled the wig out from under it.

"That's better." I mutter to myself. Logan was just looking at me still grinning."I'm not a TV Logan. Look away."

"I can't. I just so distracted bu those pink things pointing out of your head. That must be why we are no longer aloud to wear hats. You know because they are distracting" He got up out of his seat and walked over to me. "I'm going to need to confiscate those for the rest of class."  His smile had not faded one bit and that is when it clicked. 

"You made the rule!"

"Well technically the Chancellor made the rule. I just brought it to his attention." He put his hand out and waited. "Hat please."

"Ha! Like hell. Pry it off." I took the two pieces of the hat that fall near my face and tied them under my chin in a double knotted bow. Then I sat down and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Louise, you making this difficult is only going to make it so much more satisfying for me when ever I take them off your little head."

"Touch me and I'll file for rape." He just looked at me for a second before nodding his head and turning around to walk back to his seat. The next thing I know Logan swing around and slips my ears right off my head without even untying them. I immediately threw the wig on.

"Well look at that. I didn't even have to touch you." He smiled and walked back to his desk with my ears in hand. 

"Logan Berry Bush! You give me my hat back right now!" I said stomping up to his desk.

"It's Mr. Bush. Now please take your seat. Your fellow students will be here shortly." As soon as he said that people began filing in and taking their seats.

"This isn't over." I said to him through gritted teeth. 

"Obviously." He replied with a smile.              

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